Black dots -> compressions (C,c,+,U,u)
White dots -> dilatations (D,d,-)
Green dot  -> T-axis
Red dot    -> P-axis
  sta  chan net loc pol a/m   azi   dist author    irsta
  PAA   ???  IR      +      63.04   1.09 ISC       PAA  
  DZM   ???  IR      c     144.02  19.06 ISC       DZM  
  RMQ   ???  IR      -     194.98  20.33 ISC       RMQ  
  BRS   ???  IR      -     184.40  20.55 ISC       BRS  
  WB2   ???  IR      -     234.32  23.52 ISC       WB2  
  WRA   ???  IR      +     234.33  23.53 ISC       WRA  
  ASPA  ???  IR      -     227.53  25.95 ISC       ASPA 
  SHL   ???  IR      c     300.64  68.78 ISC       SHL  
  HYB   ???  IR      -     289.21  78.75 ISC       HYB  
  GBA   ???  IR      +     285.21  79.14 ISC       GBA  
  PMR   ???  IR      +      23.79  80.81 ISC       PMR  
  SPA   ???  IR      +     180.00  83.24 ISC       SPA  
  AJM   ???  IR      c     297.48  84.01 ISC       AJM  
  YKC   ???  IR      +      27.87  96.45 ISC       YKC  
  EDM   ???  IR      +      37.23  96.68 ISC       EDM  

sta    - Station code (FDSN)
chan   - channel code
net    - Network code (FDSN)
loc    - Location code (FDSN)
pol    - Polarity
a/m    - Automatic or manual pick
azi    - Event to station azimuth (in degrees)
dist   - Event to station distance (in degrees)
author - Author of the polarity
irsta  - International registry station code