Black dots -> compressions (C,c,+,U,u)
White dots -> dilatations (D,d,-)
Green dot  -> T-axis
Red dot    -> P-axis
  sta  chan net loc pol a/m   azi   dist author    irsta
  VNA1  ???  IR      -     162.62  11.45 ISC       VNA1 
  SYO   ???  IR      +     134.77  25.52 ISC       SYO  
  SYO   SPZ  IR      C     134.77  25.52 MOS       SYO  
  SPA   ???  IR      -     179.99  30.13 ISC       SPA  
  POF   ???  IR      +      57.48  40.08 ISC       POF  
  FRS   ???  IR      +      63.92  42.11 ISC       FRS  
  BLF   ???  IR      +      64.38  43.05 ISC       BLF  
  CACB  ???  IR      -     320.02  43.20 ISC       CACB 
  RTLL  ???  IR      +     288.28  43.63 ISC       RTLL 
  RTCB  ???  IR      +     287.81  43.66 ISC       RTCB 
  RIFB  ???  IR      -     319.84  44.95 ISC       RIFB 
  KSR   ???  IR      +      62.82  46.16 ISC       KSR  
  SLR   ???  IR      +      64.23  46.89 ISC       SLR  
  BFT   ???  IR      +      66.06  47.73 ISC       BFT  
  BUL   ???  IR      -      61.03  51.91 ISC       BUL  
  LPAZ  ???  IR      -     298.56  56.40 ISC       LPAZ 
  MZZ   ??Z  IR      -      56.48  60.03 ISC       MZZ  
  ABM   ???  IR      +      79.19  61.04 ISC       ABM  
  AVY   ???  IR      +      79.03  61.95 ISC       AVY  
  BCAO  ???  IR      -      39.57  70.55 ISC       BCAO 
  BOG   ???  IR      -     302.71  77.66 ISC       BOG  

sta    - Station code (FDSN)
chan   - channel code
net    - Network code (FDSN)
loc    - Location code (FDSN)
pol    - Polarity
a/m    - Automatic or manual pick
azi    - Event to station azimuth (in degrees)
dist   - Event to station distance (in degrees)
author - Author of the polarity
irsta  - International registry station code