Black dots -> compressions (C,c,+,U,u)
White dots -> dilatations (D,d,-)
Green dot  -> T-axis
Red dot    -> P-axis
  sta  chan net loc pol a/m   azi   dist author    irsta
  NNA   ???  IR      -     166.86   9.20 ISC       NNA  
  YJA   ???  IR      +     146.70  23.13 ISC       YJA  
  HJA   ???  IR      -     148.00  24.02 ISC       HJA  
  TCA   ???  IR      -     155.86  31.30 ISC       TCA  
  CCOK  ???  IR      +     336.84  40.98 ISC       CCOK 
  TUL   ???  IR      -     339.35  41.76 ISC       TUL  
  MEO   ???  IR      +     335.53  41.84 ISC       MEO  
  FVM   ???  IR      -     346.47  42.11 ISC       FVM  
  ACO   ???  IR      +     336.36  43.72 ISC       ACO  
  ALQ   ???  IR      -     328.01  45.70 ISC       ALQ  
  PV10  ???  IR      -     328.89  49.65 ISC       PV10 
  PV09  ???  IR      -     328.92  49.79 ISC       PV09 
  SRU   ???  IR      -     328.39  50.97 ISC       SRU  
  PEC   ???  IR      -     318.83  51.37 ISC       PEC  
  MSU   ???  IR      -     326.66  51.42 ISC       MSU  
  ARUT  ???  IR      -     325.11  51.62 ISC       ARUT 
  EMUT  ???  IR      -     328.79  51.64 ISC       EMUT 
  DAU   ???  IR      -     328.98  52.31 ISC       DAU  
  TPNV  ???  IR      -     322.42  52.72 ISC       TPNV 
  DUG   ???  IR      -     327.70  52.97 ISC       DUG  
  TNP   ???  IR      -     322.88  54.03 ISC       TNP  
  MMPM  ???  IR      -     321.31  54.85 ISC       MMPM 
  ARN   ???  IR      -     319.61  56.28 ISC       ARN  
  ORV   ???  IR      -     321.75  57.57 ISC       ORV  
  LBFM  ???  IR      -     323.21  58.89 ISC       LBFM 
  NEW   ???  IR      +     331.81  60.89 ISC       NEW  
  SPA   ???  IR      -     180.00  87.05 ISC       SPA  
  WLF   ???  IR      +      40.35  89.08 ISC       WLF  

sta    - Station code (FDSN)
chan   - channel code
net    - Network code (FDSN)
loc    - Location code (FDSN)
pol    - Polarity
a/m    - Automatic or manual pick
azi    - Event to station azimuth (in degrees)
dist   - Event to station distance (in degrees)
author - Author of the polarity
irsta  - International registry station code