Black dots -> compressions (C,c,+,U,u)
White dots -> dilatations (D,d,-)
Green dot  -> T-axis
Red dot    -> P-axis
  sta  chan net loc pol a/m   azi   dist author    irsta
  AAI   ???  IR      -     131.83   5.40 ISC       AAI  
  MKS   ???  IR      +     222.45   6.94 ISC       MKS  
  MKS   SPZ  IR      C     222.45   6.94 MOS       MKS  
  DAV   ???  IR      +      11.20   7.23 ISC       DAV  
  KKM   ???  IR      -     307.54   9.99 ISC       KKM  
  TLE   ???  IR      +     123.04  10.19 ISC       TLE  
  LEM   ???  IR      -     247.53  17.82 ISC       LEM  
  IPM   ???  IR      +     281.35  23.56 ISC       IPM  
  WARB  ???  IR      +     174.94  26.07 ISC       WARB 
  WOOL  ???  IR      +     184.16  30.93 ISC       WOOL 
  CHTO  ???  IR      +     308.54  31.07 ISC       CHTO 
  BWA   ???  IR      +     148.86  41.03 ISC       BWA  
  CAN   ???  IR      +     149.14  42.03 ISC       CAN  
  VLA   ???  IR      +       8.20  43.55 ISC       VLA  
  VLA   SPZ  IR      C       8.20  43.55 MOS       VLA  
  MDJ   ??Z  IR      -       5.50  44.75 ISC       MDJ  
  GTA   ??Z  IR      +     333.23  45.17 ISC       GTA  
  POO   ???  IR      +     293.44  52.74 ISC       POO  
  POO   SPZ  IR      C     293.44  52.74 MOS       POO  
  BOD   ???  IR      +     353.62  58.28 ISC       BOD  
  BOD   SPZ  IR      C     353.62  58.28 MOS       BOD  
  MA2   ???  IR      +      14.82  62.99 ISC       MA2  
  MA2   MPZ  IR      C      14.82  62.99 MOS       MA2  
  NVS   ???  IR      +     335.09  64.15 ISC       NVS  
  NVS   SPZ  IR      C     335.09  64.15 MOS       NVS  
  KMBO  ???  IR      -     268.88  86.92 ISC       KMBO 
  SYO   ???  IR      +     201.03  87.99 ISC       SYO  

sta    - Station code (FDSN)
chan   - channel code
net    - Network code (FDSN)
loc    - Location code (FDSN)
pol    - Polarity
a/m    - Automatic or manual pick
azi    - Event to station azimuth (in degrees)
dist   - Event to station distance (in degrees)
author - Author of the polarity
irsta  - International registry station code