Black dots -> compressions (C,c,+,U,u)
White dots -> dilatations (D,d,-)
Green dot  -> T-axis
Red dot    -> P-axis
  sta  chan net loc pol a/m   azi   dist author    irsta
  PVC   ???  IR      D     272.47  13.75 NOU       PVC  
  ARMA  ???  IR      D     241.83  30.42 AUST      ARMA 
  CTA   ???  IR      D     261.84  34.38 AUST      CTA  
  CTA   S?Z  IR      D     261.84  34.38 MOS       CTA  
  PMG   S?Z  IR      D     280.31  35.70 MOS       PMG  
  STKA  ???  IR      D     242.50  39.13 AUST      STKA 
  ASPA  ???  IR      D     255.09  45.59 AUST      ASPA 
  ASPA  S?Z  IR      D     255.09  45.59 MOS       ASPA 
  KAKA  ???  IR      D     269.51  48.66 AUST      KAKA 
  FITZ  ???  IR      D     261.03  53.95 AUST      FITZ 
  KLBR  ???  IR      D     243.98  59.38 AUST      KLBR 
  KKM   ???  IR      D     283.94  70.04 KLM       KKM  
  QSPA  ???  IR      c     180.05  71.17 NEIC      QSPA 
  YSS   S?Z  IR      C     332.86  74.78 MOS       YSS  
  SSE   ???  IR      C     309.33  77.20 BJI       SSE  
  SSE   ???  IR      c     309.33  77.20 NEIC      SSE  
  CMB   ???  IR      c      42.57  77.81 NEIC      CMB  
  BEKR  ???  IR      c      41.07  78.90 NEIC      BEKR 
  WCN   ???  IR      c      41.81  78.95 NEIC      WCN  
  TPNV  ???  IR      c      45.37  79.92 NEIC      TPNV 
  MOD   ???  IR      c      39.43  80.14 NEIC      MOD  
  HAWA  ???  IR      c      36.11  83.24 NEIC      HAWA 
  MVU   ???  IR      c      45.73  83.46 NEIC      MVU  
  MSU   ???  IR      c      45.73  83.49 NEIC      MSU  
  DUG   ???  IR      c      44.02  83.92 NEIC      DUG  
  SPUT  ???  IR      c      43.20  84.72 NEIC      SPUT 
  JLU   ???  IR      c      44.20  85.02 NEIC      JLU  
  THY   ???  IR      c      13.64  85.65 NEIC      THY  
  ANMO  ???  IR      c      51.06  85.85 NEIC      ANMO 
  SYO   S?Z  IR      D     192.49  88.44 MOS       SYO  
  HHC   ???  IR      D     314.09  88.73 BJI       HHC  
  SNAA  ???  IR      +     178.24  89.59 AWI       SNAA 
  NVL   B?Z  IR      C     183.00  90.36 MOS       NVL  
  LZH   ???  IR      C     307.30  92.35 BJI       LZH  
  LZH   ???  IR      c     307.30  92.35 NEIC      LZH  

sta    - Station code (FDSN)
chan   - channel code
net    - Network code (FDSN)
loc    - Location code (FDSN)
pol    - Polarity
a/m    - Automatic or manual pick
azi    - Event to station azimuth (in degrees)
dist   - Event to station distance (in degrees)
author - Author of the polarity
irsta  - International registry station code