Black dots -> compressions (C,c,+,U,u)
White dots -> dilatations (D,d,-)
Green dot  -> T-axis
Red dot    -> P-axis
  sta  chan net loc pol a/m   azi   dist author    irsta
  KRHZ  ???  IR      d      24.56   1.42 WEL       KRHZ 
  BHHZ  ???  IR      d      13.75   1.49 WEL       BHHZ 
  KAHZ  ???  IR      d      40.74   1.50 WEL       KAHZ 
  BSWZ  ???  IR      c     238.69   1.52 WEL       BSWZ 
  WNVZ  ???  IR      c     359.80   1.61 WEL       WNVZ 
  WNVZ  ???  IR      c     359.80   1.61 NEIC      WNVZ 
  KWHZ  ???  IR      d      22.74   1.64 WEL       KWHZ 
  WHVZ  ???  IR      d     359.55   1.66 WEL       WHVZ 
  CKHZ  ???  IR      c      41.82   1.71 WEL       CKHZ 
  MCHZ  ???  IR      d      29.59   1.71 WEL       MCHZ 
  WPVZ  ???  IR      c     358.48   1.73 WEL       WPVZ 
  COVZ  ???  IR      c     358.39   1.74 WEL       COVZ 
  WTVZ  ???  IR      c     359.62   1.82 WEL       WTVZ 
  KRVZ  ???  IR      c       0.87   1.84 WEL       KRVZ 
  NMHZ  ???  IR      d      27.01   2.06 WEL       NMHZ 
  RATZ  ???  IR      d       3.60   2.08 WEL       RATZ 
  WATZ  ???  IR      d       2.57   2.23 WEL       WATZ 
  WHTZ  ???  IR      c       6.92   2.29 WEL       WHTZ 
  RAHZ  ???  IR      c      29.87   2.32 WEL       RAHZ 
  QRZ   HHZ  NZ  10  +   a 271.79   2.33 ISC       QRZ  
  HIZ   HHZ  NZ  10  -   a 346.34   2.49 ISC       HIZ  
  PRGZ  ???  IR      c      41.74   2.67 WEL       PRGZ 
  TARZ  ???  IR      d      14.74   2.79 WEL       TARZ 
  URZ   ???  IR      d      23.97   2.92 WEL       URZ  
  URZ   HHZ  NZ  10  -   a  23.97   2.92 ISC       URZ  
  OPRZ  ???  IR      c      13.69   3.18 WEL       OPRZ 
  OUZ   HHZ  NZ  10  +   a 343.86   5.93 ISC       OUZ  
  WRAB  BHZ  II  00  +   a 288.29  40.79 ISC       WRAB 

sta    - Station code (FDSN)
chan   - channel code
net    - Network code (FDSN)
loc    - Location code (FDSN)
pol    - Polarity
a/m    - Automatic or manual pick
azi    - Event to station azimuth (in degrees)
dist   - Event to station distance (in degrees)
author - Author of the polarity
irsta  - International registry station code