Black dots -> compressions (C,c,+,U,u)
White dots -> dilatations (D,d,-)
Green dot  -> T-axis
Red dot    -> P-axis
  sta  chan net loc pol a/m   azi   dist author    irsta
  KTR   ???  IR      C     224.84   0.23 JMA       KTR  
  JCN   ???  IR      D     292.39   0.28 JMA       JCN  
  JSMT  ???  IR      D     350.60   0.33 JMA       JSMT 
  BSO4  ???  IR      C     204.30   0.35 JMA       BSO4 
  BSO3  ???  IR      D     180.45   0.51 JMA       BSO3 
  TOK   ???  IR      D     301.34   0.72 JMA       TOK  
  BSO1  ???  IR      D     149.86   0.76 JMA       BSO1 
  JYT   ???  IR      D     344.12   0.95 JMA       JYT  
  MAJO  B?Z  IR      C     303.89   2.24 MOS       MAJO 
  ERM   S?Z  IR      C      16.36   7.00 MOS       ERM  
  YSS   S?Z  IR      C       7.55  11.75 MOS       YSS  
  YAK   S?Z  IR      C     348.97  27.60 MOS       YAK  
  ULN   S?Z  IR      D     307.16  27.77 MOS       ULN  
  SEY   S?Z  IR      C      11.33  28.62 MOS       SEY  
  BILL  S?Z  IR      D      16.19  35.88 MOS       BILL 
  TIXI  S?Z  IR      C     353.89  36.91 MOS       TIXI 
  KURK  B?Z  IR      C     309.30  46.44 MOS       KURK 
  AAK   S?Z  IR      C     299.37  50.68 MOS       AAK  
  COLA  S?Z  IR      C      31.47  50.92 MOS       COLA 
  BRVK  S?Z  IR      C     313.26  51.26 MOS       BRVK 
  WRAB  S?Z  IR      C     187.06  55.25 MOS       WRAB 
  ARU   B?Z  IR      C     319.11  57.17 MOS       ARU  
  OBN   S?Z  IR      C     323.34  69.04 MOS       OBN  
  AKASG B?Z  IR      C     322.21  75.21 MOS       AKASG
  AKBB  S?Z  IR      D     322.21  75.21 MOS       AKBB 
  KONO  S?Z  IR      D     336.81  77.07 MOS       KONO 
  BRTR  B?Z  IR      C     311.35  79.44 MOS       BRTR 
  PFO   S?Z  IR      C      55.50  80.61 MOS       PFO  
  ANMO  S?Z  IR      C      49.26  86.25 MOS       ANMO 

sta    - Station code (FDSN)
chan   - channel code
net    - Network code (FDSN)
loc    - Location code (FDSN)
pol    - Polarity
a/m    - Automatic or manual pick
azi    - Event to station azimuth (in degrees)
dist   - Event to station distance (in degrees)
author - Author of the polarity
irsta  - International registry station code