Black dots -> compressions (C,c,+,U,u)
White dots -> dilatations (D,d,-)
Green dot  -> T-axis
Red dot    -> P-axis
  sta  chan net loc pol a/m   azi   dist author    irsta
  IMMV  HHZ  HL  --  +   a 169.29   0.59 ISC       IMMV 
  IMMV  HHZ  GE  --  +   a 169.37   0.59 ISC       IMMV 
  KTHA  HHZ  GE  --  +   a 288.61   0.67 ISC       KTHA 
  GVD   HHZ  GE  --  -   a 170.63   1.22 ISC       GVD  
  GVD   HHZ  HL  --  -   a 170.63   1.22 ISC       GVD  
  ITM   HHZ  HL  --  +   a 306.77   1.92 ISC       ITM  
  KARP  HHZ  GE  --  +   a  99.48   2.74 ISC       KARP 
  AGG   HHZ  HT  --  -   a 338.45   3.20 ISC       AGG  
  LIT   HHZ  HT  --  +   a 345.61   4.19 ISC       LIT  
  KEK   HHZ  HL  --  -   a 320.03   4.86 ISC       KEK  
  HERR  ???  IR      c     353.41   8.89 BUC       HERR 
  HERR  BHZ  RO  --  +   a 353.41   8.89 ISC       HERR 
  ARR   ???  IR      d       3.43   9.33 BUC       ARR  
  GZR   ???  IR      d     355.37   9.37 BUC       GZR  
  LOT   ???  IR      c     359.67   9.39 BUC       LOT  
  VOIR  ???  IR      c       5.18   9.43 BUC       VOIR 
  MLR   ???  IR      d       8.92   9.57 BUC       MLR  
  MLR   EHZ  RO  --  -   a   8.92   9.57 ISC       MLR  
  BZS   ???  IR      c     350.68   9.71 BUC       BZS  
  DOPR  ???  IR      c       6.22   9.98 BUC       DOPR 
  PLOR  ???  IR      c      11.33  10.02 BUC       PLOR 
  VRI   ???  IR      d      11.61  10.05 BUC       VRI  
  BURAR ???  IR      d       4.62  11.61 BUC       BURAR
  MKAR  BHZ  KZ  --  +   a  57.14  44.19 ISC       MKAR 

sta    - Station code (FDSN)
chan   - channel code
net    - Network code (FDSN)
loc    - Location code (FDSN)
pol    - Polarity
a/m    - Automatic or manual pick
azi    - Event to station azimuth (in degrees)
dist   - Event to station distance (in degrees)
author - Author of the polarity
irsta  - International registry station code