Black dots -> compressions (C,c,+,U,u)
White dots -> dilatations (D,d,-)
Green dot  -> T-axis
Red dot    -> P-axis
  sta  chan net loc pol a/m   azi   dist author    irsta
  LONT  ???  IR      C     120.13   0.13 TAP       LONT 
  TWG   ???  IR      D     158.92   0.16 TAP       TWG  
  TWGBT ???  IR      D     156.96   0.17 TAP       TWGBT
  ELDTW ???  IR      D       1.84   0.22 TAP       ELDTW
  ECS   ???  IR      C      57.38   0.23 TAP       ECS  
  EHD   ???  IR      C      45.67   0.25 TAP       EHD  
  EDH   ???  IR      C      89.67   0.27 TAP       EDH  
  STYH  ???  IR      C     312.69   0.29 TAP       STYH 
  STYT  ???  IR      C     309.44   0.30 TAP       STYT 
  SLGT  ???  IR      C     273.85   0.34 TAP       SLGT 
  FULB  ???  IR      C      49.12   0.35 TAP       FULB 
  CHKT  ???  IR      C      68.70   0.35 TAP       CHKT 
  SGST  ???  IR      C     285.76   0.41 TAP       SGST 
  SSD   ???  IR      C     237.29   0.41 TAP       SSD  
  TSMG  ???  IR      C     231.88   0.43 TAP       TSMG 
  WTP   ???  IR      C     306.99   0.46 TAP       WTP  
  TWF1  ???  IR      C      34.86   0.46 TAP       TWF1 
  EYUL  ???  IR      C      37.23   0.47 TAP       EYUL 
  TPUB  ???  IR      C     313.23   0.48 TAP       TPUB 
  CHN1  ???  IR      C     295.73   0.49 TAP       CHN1 
  YULB  ???  IR      C      32.23   0.50 TAP       YULB 
  MASBT ???  IR      C     224.25   0.50 TAP       MASBT
  SNST  ???  IR      C     297.79   0.53 TAP       SNST 
  SGLT  ???  IR      C     242.97   0.54 TAP       SGLT 
  CHN4  ???  IR      C     314.69   0.54 TAP       CHN4 
  TWM1  ???  IR      C     254.89   0.56 TAP       TWM1 
  ALS   ???  IR      D     340.73   0.57 TAP       ALS  
  CHN3  ???  IR      C     280.09   0.60 TAP       CHN3 
  EAST  ???  IR      D     194.32   0.60 TAP       EAST 
  SHHT  ???  IR      C     274.80   0.61 TAP       SHHT 
  HGSD  ???  IR      C      36.25   0.64 TAP       HGSD 
  SCZT  ???  IR      C     211.17   0.70 TAP       SCZT 

sta    - Station code (FDSN)
chan   - channel code
net    - Network code (FDSN)
loc    - Location code (FDSN)
pol    - Polarity
a/m    - Automatic or manual pick
azi    - Event to station azimuth (in degrees)
dist   - Event to station distance (in degrees)
author - Author of the polarity
irsta  - International registry station code