Black dots -> compressions (C,c,+,U,u)
White dots -> dilatations (D,d,-)
Green dot  -> T-axis
Red dot    -> P-axis
  sta  chan net loc pol a/m   azi   dist author    irsta
  CNGN  SHZ  NU  --  +   a  57.62   0.16 ISC       CNGN 
  CNGN  HHZ  NU  --  +   a  57.62   0.16 ISC       CNGN 
  CNGN  BHZ  NU  --  +   a  57.62   0.16 ISC       CNGN 
  HERN  BHZ  NU  --  +   a   1.47   0.19 ISC       TELN 
  CRIN  HHZ  NU  --  +   a 325.77   0.34 ISC       CRIN 
  CRIN  BHZ  NU  --  +   a 325.77   0.34 ISC       CRIN 
  CRIN  SHZ  NU  --  +   a 325.77   0.34 ISC       CRIN 
  MASN  EHZ  NU  50  -   a 122.44   0.79 ISC       MASN 
  NANN  HHZ  NU  --  +   a 123.97   0.84 ISC       NANN 
  POTN  HHZ  NU  10  +   a 311.74   0.88 ISC       POTN 
  CSGN  EHZ  NU  01  +   a 308.46   0.90 ISC       CSGN 
  BOAB  HHZ  NU  --  -   a  88.13   1.14 ISC       BOAB 
  BOAB  BHZ  GE  --  -   a  88.13   1.14 ISC       BOAB 
  BOAB  SHZ  GE  --  -   a  88.13   1.14 ISC       BOAB 
  BOAB  HHZ  GE  --  -   a  88.13   1.14 ISC       BOAB 
  BOAB  BHZ  NU  --  -   a  88.13   1.14 ISC       BOAB 
  CNCH  HHZ  SV  --  +   a 311.48   1.30 ISC       CNCH 
  TGUH  BHZ  CU  00  -   a 345.44   1.69 ISC       TGUH 
  MARA  HHZ  TC  --  +   a 149.68   2.75 ISC       CMARA
  JAYA  HHZ  SV  --  -   a 296.12   2.83 ISC       JAYA 
  BLUN  HHZ  NU  10  -   a  97.62   3.02 ISC       BLUN 
  PRV   BHZ  CM  00  -   a  79.24   5.42 ISC       PRVC 
  W50A  HHZ  N4  00  -   a   3.23  22.73 ISC       W50A 
  X58A  HHZ  N4  00  -   a  15.95  23.07 ISC       X58A 
  U54A  HHZ  N4  00  -   a   9.81  24.42 ISC       U54A 
  NOKA  HHZ  OK  --  -   a 337.77  26.46 ISC       NOKA 
  Q51A  HHZ  N4  00  +   a   6.06  26.68 ISC       Q51A 
  O53A  BHZ  OH  --  -   a   9.14  28.16 ISC       O53A 
  SSPA  BHZ  IU  00  +   a  14.05  29.19 ISC       SSPA 
  NPNY  BHZ  LD  --  +   a  18.47  31.26 ISC       NPNY 
  K30B  HHZ  N4  00  -   a 342.14  32.12 ISC       K30B 

sta    - Station code (FDSN)
chan   - channel code
net    - Network code (FDSN)
loc    - Location code (FDSN)
pol    - Polarity
a/m    - Automatic or manual pick
azi    - Event to station azimuth (in degrees)
dist   - Event to station distance (in degrees)
author - Author of the polarity
irsta  - International registry station code