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Date Author/Co-Author* Title DOI
2024-09-13Felix J. Halpaap*Earthquake catalogue of the 2020-2022 Bitdalsvatn (Norway) seismic swarm catalogue, bulletin, earthquake swarm, intraplate earthquakeLars Ottemöller, Hasbi Shiddiqi, Stéphane Rondenay10.31905/6V0YYDFA
2024-08-06Marina Yurievna AndreevaСatalog of earthquakes in the Kuril-Kamchatka zone for the period from 1737 to June 2024 catalogue, earthquake10.31905/34G3QUFE
2024-06-04Gregor Rajh*Local earthquake tomography dataset for the NW Dinarides area relocation, seismology, local earthquake tomography, earth crust, Dinarides, 3d velocity model, P-velocity, vp/vs, inversionJosip Stipčević, Mladen Živčić, Marijan Herak, Andrej Gosar10.31905/QXHASFQN
2024-05-17Gonzalo A. Fernandez*Unveiling midcrustal seismic activity at the front of the bolivian altiplano, Cochabamba region. catalogue, bulletin, bochabamba, bolivia, midcrustalB. Derode, L. Bollinger, B. Delouis, M. Nieto, F. Condori, N. Sarret, J. Letort, S. Godey, M. Wimez, T. Griffiths, W. Arce10.31905/CBEE1FOR
2024-02-29Alexey Nikolaevich Morozov*Earthquake catalog of the continent-ocean transition zone in the Eurasian Arctic for the period from October 2011 to November 2020 earthquake catalogue, russian Arctic, seismicity of the arcticNatalia Vaganova10.31905/C6BQDUO5
2024-02-06Alexey Nikolaevich Morozov*Earthquake catalog (refined and unified) of the western sector of the Russian Arctic for the period from 1908 to 2020 earthquake catalogue, russian Arctic, seismicity of the arcticNatalia Vaganova10.31905/B1KW6G88
2024-01-09Josep Batlló*Catalogue of instrumentally recorded seismicity of Portugal (1900-1960) catalogue, bulletin, portugalRicardo Torres, Isabel Rodrigues, Susana Custódio, Fernando Carrilho10.31905/CG8D1MFQ
2023-11-20Lauren Waszek*PKP precursors: implications for global scatterers lower mantle, core-mantle boundary, scatteringArwen Deuss, Christine Thomas10.31905/3MDJ3VLQ
2023-10-24Iason Grigoratos*A homogenized instrumental earthquake catalog around the Dead Sea Transform Fault Zone moment magnitude, earthquake catalogue, red sea, conversion relations, israel, dead sea, cyprus, middle east, ISC, jordan, lebanon, egyptValerio Poggi, Laurentiu Danciu10.31905/UQUUGRGH
2023-10-11Ben Dyer*Microseismic event catalogues from the well 16A(78)-32 stimulation in April, 2022 in Utah FORGE. catalogue, seismicity, geothermal energy, Utah FORGE, stimulationDimitrios Karvounis, Falko Bethmann10.31905/52CC4QZB
2023-10-03Natalya V. Kostyleva*Catalog of industrial explosions in the coal mining area on Sakhalin Island (Russia) for 2019-2022. catalogue, industrial explosions, seismic stationDmitriy Kostylev10.31905/PCCATGI2
2023-09-15Emile A. Okal*Energy-to-moment parameter (THETA) for intermediate and deep earthquakes energy, moment, THETA, intermediate depth earthquakes, deep earthquakesNooshin Saloor10.31905/NC8ODOAJ
2023-08-01Eric A. Bergman*Global Catalog of Calibrated Earthquake Locations travel-time, catalogue, bulletin, calibration, ground truth, velocity modelHarley Benz, E. Engdahl, A. Ghods, Ezgi Karasözen10.31905/MFDY4QHD
2023-04-19Martin Zeckra*Earthquake catalog of a temporary seismic network in NW Argentine Andean Foreland (FDSN code: 2S (2016-2017)) earthquake catalogue, bulletin, focal mechanismsFrank Krüger10.31905/YTIR1IED
2023-04-19Daniel E Wells*Magna NonLinLoc-SSST-coherence Locations and Focal Mechanisms catalogue, earthquake, utah, mechanism, magna, focal, wasatch, salt lake cityAnthony Lomax, Ben Baker, Peter Niemz, John Bartley, Kris Pankow10.31905/Z1B2CER3
2023-03-29Alexey Nikolaevich Morozov*Earthquake catalog of the Gakkel mid-ocean ridge (Arctic Ocean) according to the data of the Arkhangelsk seismic network (AH code) for the period from 2013 to 2022 catalogue, arctic, gakkel ridge, low-magnitude earthquakes, earthquake swarmNatalia Vaganova10.31905/SMUPNWEP
2023-03-29Ioannis Fountoulakis*Relocated catalog of the 2020 Samos earthquake aftershock sequence (eastern Aegean Sea). catalogue, relocation, samosChristos Evangelidis, Olga-Joan Ktenidou10.31905/SK7LCETI
2023-03-14Joanna M. Holmgren*The southern East African Rift System (EARS) relocated earthquake catalogue and ground-motion database nonlinloc, east african rift system, relocated earthquake catalogue, ground-motion database, time-series database, P- and S-wave phase arrivalsMaximilian Werner, Katsuichiro Goda, Manuela Villani, Vitor Silva, Patrick Chindandali, Victoria Stevens10.31905/4GGVBFBE
2023-02-15Siegfried Wendt*Rayleigh wave travel times measured at Collm Geophysical Observatory, Germany, between 2006 and 2019 Petra Buchholz10.31905/PHFO64PS
2023-02-13Guust NoletSummary ray ISC-EHB data seismic tomography, ISC-EHB, ray delay times, summary10.31905/MPPIDWHM
2022-12-14Daniel R.H. O'Connell*The Seismic Record Supplement to “Hosgri Fault Transpressional Slip Rates Reproduce Observed Central California Coast Uplift Rates” hosgri fault, finite source slip-rate model, coastal uplift, viscoelastic deformation modeling, neotectonicsJamey Turner10.31905/8IPR1PJD
2022-12-02S. Godey*Euro-Med Bulletin seismicity, bulletin, mediterraneanR. Bossu, J. Guilbert, G. Mazet-Roux, Matthieu Landès10.31905/EC1TT8WX
2022-09-14Domenico Di GiacomoBCIS dataset for events with no data in the ISS for 1950-1963 pre-digital earthquakes, data legacy, BCIS, station arrival time10.31905/1KEW73S1
2022-07-05Martin Zeckra*Moment tensor solution for the 2021 San Juan M6.4 earthquake based on joint inversion of full waveforms and GNSS static displacements. moment tensor, notable earthquake, source, mechanism, joint inversionKevin Gobron, Jean-Baptiste Ammirati, Chelsea Mackaman-Lofland10.31905/K3J1V6RM
2022-05-19Domenico Di GiacomoSummaries of contributions of direct Mw in the ISC-GEM Catalogue from selected authors source parameters, pre-digital earthquakes, literature, ISC-GEM catalogue10.31905/D5F339NL
2022-04-05Václav Vavryčuk*WEBNET moment tensor catalogue 2008-2018 catalogue, earthquake, moment tensor, station, crustal stress, crustal fluidPetra Adamová, Jana Doubravová, Josef Horálek10.31905/H212Z6OX
2022-01-21Johannes Schweitzer*EURARC – a bulletin for the European Arctic 1990 – 2013 bulletin, european arcticBerit Paulsen, Galina Antonovskaya, Andrey Fedorov, Yana Konechnaya, Vladimir Asming, Myrto Pirli10.31905/TYLLQY8T
2021-09-09Lauren Waszek*Measurements of the 410 and 660 km discontinuities from global SS and PP precursors mantle transition zone, topography model, mantle discontinuitiesBenoit Tauzin, Nicholas Schmerr, Maxim Ballmer, Juan Afonso10.31905/7M3LMG8X
2021-09-08Johannes SchweitzerPcP-P(n), ScP-P(n) and ScP-PcP Travel-Time Differences for Global Model Evaluation D’’, earth structure, lower mantle, P, Pn, PcP, ScP, Europe10.31905/KX83NSDC
2021-08-16Margaret E. Glasgow*Raton Basin 2016-2020 earthquake catalog catalogue, raton basin, induced seismicity, magnitudeBrandon Schmandt, Ruijia Wang, Miao Zhang, Sue Bilek, Eric Kiser10.31905/127XP53R
2021-08-10Johannes SchweitzerSKKS-SKS, SKKS-S(Sdif), SKS-S(Sdif) Travel-Time Differences for Global Model Evaluation D’’, S, Sdif, SKS, SKKS, earth structure, core, lower mantle, pacific low s-velocity anomaly10.31905/E23V664R
2021-08-05 International Seismological CentreThe ISC MS dataset for shallow earthquakes since 1904 surfave wave magnitude, shallow earthquakes, earthquakes rates, data legacy10.31905/0N4HOS2D
2021-08-04Lauren Waszek*SS dataset and SS precursors measurements in stacked and individual data SS precursors, SS, mantle transition zoneJorge Garcia, Benoit Tauzin, Nicholas Schmerr10.31905/DCPGTRCH
2021-07-29Maria Mesimeri*Earthquake catalog of the 2020-2021 seismic crisis in western Corinth Gulf, Greece earthquake catalogue, repeating earthquakesAthanassios Ganas, Kristine Pankow10.31905/0TY7BY14
2021-07-26Natalia Poiata*Low-frequency earthquake catalog for western and central Shikoku, Japan catalogueJ.-P. Vilotte, N.M. Shapiro, M. Supino, K. Obara10.31905/UOQ9LVHZ
2021-07-26Joël Ruch*Supplementary material for the work "Revealing 60 years of earthquake swarms in the southern Red Sea, Afar and the Gulf of Aden" swarms, red sea, gulf of adenDerek Keir, Luigi Passarelli, Ghebrebrhan Ogubazghi, Domenico Di Giacomo, Sigurjón Jónsson10.31905/TKSACJMM
2021-07-13Lisa LinvilleUtah Discrimination Datasets 2012-2020 source discrimination, quarry blasts, utah10.31905/RDQW00CT
2021-06-22Andrea Brüstle*Seismicity of the eastern Hellenic Subdution Zone, Event and phase catalogues of the temporary CYCNET and EGELADOS networks seismicity, hellenic subduction zone, locations and phase picks, 1d-velocity model, nonlinlocMartina Rische, Marco Bohnhoff, Ludger Küperkoch, Wolfgang Friederich, Thomas Meier, EGELADOS working group 10.31905/Y91H3EJI
2021-06-22Dirk Becker*Seismicity of the eastern Hellenic Subduction Zone, Event and phase catalogue of the temporary LIBNET network seismicity, hellenic subduction zone, locations and phase picks, 1d-velocity model, nonlinlocMartina Rische, Marco Bohnhoff, Thomas Meier, Hans-Peter Harjes10.31905/IPFJ9U8F
2021-01-20Domenico Di Giacomo*Supplementary material regarding the relocation of pre-digital earthquakes in Colombia using macroseismic and instrumental data relocation, colombia, pre-digital earthquakes, macroseismic dataAna Sarabia10.31905/HD569UVE
2021-01-12Maria Mesimeri*Mineral Mountains, Utah 2016-2019 earthquake catalog earthquake catalogue, repeating earthquakesKristine Pankow, Ben Baker, J. Hale10.31905/FC13NYP2
2020-12-03Domenico Di Giacomo*An Mw list extracted from the ISC Bulletin (1964-2017) moment magnitudeJames Harris10.31905/J2W2M64S
2020-11-04Ben Baker*A machine-learning generated catalog for the Magna, Utah 2020 Mww 5.7 earthquake catalogue, machine learning, notable earthquake, nodalMonique Holt, Kristine Pankow, Keith Koper, Jamie Farrell10.31905/LGR1456Y
2020-07-08Guanning Pang*A high-resolution seismic catalog for the 2020 Magna, Utah, earthquake sequence catalogueKeith Koper, Maria Mesimeri, Kristine Pankow, Benjamin Baker, Jamie Farrell, James Holt, J Hale, Paul Roberson, Relu Burlacu, James Pechmann, Katherine Whidden, Monique Holt, Amir Allam, Christopher DuRoss10.31905/9IE6PAF2
2020-06-23Ruijia Wang*Raton Basin 2018 Nodal array catalog raton basin, new mexico, colorado, waste water injection, nodal array, induced seismicity, machine learningBrandon Schmandt, Miao Zhang, Margaret Glasgow, Eric Kiser, Sarah Rysanek, Ryan Stairs10.31905/Q66YSUD8
2020-05-13Domenico Di GiacomoISC-GEM solution for the Haiyuan earthquake of 16 December 1920 earthquake, haiyuan 192010.31905/8IZMESGK
2020-03-02Alexandr Smirnov*Results of the microseism and microbarom detections by the seismo-acoustic Kazakh network and of the microbarom simulation for the infrasound arrays of the network microbarom, microseism, detection, simulation, PMCC, WW3, arrayMarine De Carlo, Alexis Le Pichon, Nikolai Shapiro, Sergey Kulichkov10.31905/DSW7L5BV
2019-11-27Keith D. Koper*Moment Tensor Catalog for the Yunnan, China, Region During 2000–2014 Robert Hermmann, Dan-Ning Li, Yan Xu, Relu Burlacu10.31905/JKFAM21R
2019-11-12Blessing T. Shumba*Supplementary data regarding submission on source parameters of the moderate Mozambique-Zimbabwe border earthquake on 22 December 2018 Vunganai Midzi, Brassnavy Manzunzu, Lars Ottemöller, Kwangwari Marimira10.31905/8MMFQZK5
2019-10-11Lauren Waszek*Mid-mantle reflectors as measured from precursors to SS mid-mantle, reflectors, discontinuities, SS precursorsNicholas Schmerr, Maxim Ballmer10.31905/RQAW3PYG
2019-09-25Kristine L. Pankow*Eastern Intermountain Earthquake Catalogue catalogueMichael Stickney, Jeri Ben-Horin, Mairi Litherland, Suzette Payne, Keith Koper, Susan Bilek, Kyren Bogolub10.31905/OT10VW75
2019-08-21Domenico Di Giacomo*Supplementary material regarding the investigation of the (mythical) near coast of Peru earthquake of 12 December 1908 James Dewey10.31905/DIDE1908
2019-08-05Anastasia K. Nekrasova*Unified Scaling Law for Earthquakes: Global Map of Parameters Vladimir Kossobokov10.31905/XT753V44
2019-07-08Ling Bai*Source parameters of the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake sequence and travel times travel-time, catalogue, earthquakeSimon Klemperer, James Mori, Marianne Karplus, Lin Ding, Hongbing Liu, Guohui Li, Bowen Song, Sanjev Dhakal10.31905/QAS3QE95
2019-06-12Vadim A An*Pahute Test Site Travel-times from Seismic Aarrays “Ozherelye” of Geophysical Observatory “Borovoye” seismic array, nuclear explosion, travel-timeKseniia Nepeina10.31905/QURKZNN1
2019-06-12George L ChoyUSGS Broadband Source Parameters Catalog (1987-2013) global catalogue, broadband depth, broadband focal mechanism, radiated energy, energy magnitude, apparant stress10.31905/GYFGEW7I