Contributing agencies
The Bulletin of the International Seismological Centre relies on contributions from seismological agencies around the world. To date, a total of 597 agencies have contributed to the ISC Bulletin, throughout its history.
For full details of each agency, please select from either the agency code, or country:
All contributing agencies are listed below.
Agency contributors
Code | Name | Alias | Country |
AAA | Alma-ata |
| Kazakhstan |
AAB | Alma-ata 2 |
| Kazakhstan |
AAC | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
AAE | University of Addis Ababa |
| Ethiopia |
AAM | University of Michigan |
| U.S.A. |
ABA | Alger-bouzareah | ALG | Algeria |
ACI | Universita di Calabria |
| Italy |
ADE | Primary Industries and Resources SA |
| Australia |
ADH | Observatorio Afonso Chaves |
| Portugal |
AEIC | Alaska Earthquake Information Center |
| U.S.A. |
AFAD | Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency |
| Turkey |
AFAR | The Afar Depression: Interpretation of the 1960-2000 Earthquakes |
| Israel |
AFI | Apia Observatory |
| Western Samoa |
AFUA | University of Alabama |
| U.S.A. |
AGS | Alaska Seismic Project |
| U.S.A. |
ALG | Algiers University |
| Algeria |
ALI | Observatorio Sismologico Vicente Inglada |
| Spain |
ALM | Instituto Geografico y Catastral de Almeria |
| Spain |
ANCORP | Andean Continental Research Project |
| Germany |
| USSR | |
ANF | USArray Array Network Facility |
| U.S.A. |
ANT | Antofagasta | GUC | Chile |
ANUBIS | Antarctic Network of Broadband Seismometers |
| U.S.A. |
APA | Apatity |
| Russia |
API | Apia Observatory |
| Western Samoa |
APT | University of Connecticut |
| U.S.A. |
AQU | L,Aquila |
| Italy |
ARA0 | Arcess Array |
| Norway |
ARE | Instituto Geofisico del Peru |
| Peru |
ARO | Observatoire Géophysique d'Arta |
| Djibouti |
ASGSR | Altay-Sayan Branch, Geophysical Survey, Russian Academy of Sciences |
| Russia |
ASIES | Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica |
| Chinese Taipei |
ASL | Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory |
| U.S.A. |
ASM | University of Asmara |
| Eritrea |
ASRS | Altai-Sayan Seismological Centre, GS SB RAS |
| Russia |
ATA | The Earthquake Research Center Ataturk University |
| Turkey |
ATH | National Observatory of Athens |
| Greece |
AUST | Geoscience Australia |
| Australia |
AVE | Averroes |
| Morocco |
| USSR | |
AWI | Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research |
| Germany |
AZER | Republican Seismic Survey Center of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences |
| Azerbaijan |
AZO | Centro de Informação e Vigilância Sismovulcânica dos Azores |
| Portugal |
BAA | Servicio Meteorologico Nacional |
| Argentina |
BAAS | British Association for the Advancement of Science |
| |
BAGSR | Baykal Branch, Geophysical Survey, Russian Academy of Sciences |
| |
BAK | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
BANJO | Broadband ANdean JOint Experiment |
| U.S.A. |
BASV | British Antarctic Survey |
| United Kingdom |
BCIS | Bureau Central International de Sismologie |
| France |
BDF | Observatório Sismológico da Universidade de Brasília |
| Brazil |
BELR | Centre of Geophysical Monitoring of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus |
| Republic of Belarus |
BEO | Republicki seizmoloski zavod |
| Serbia |
BER | University of Bergen |
| Norway |
BERK | Berkheimer H |
| Germany |
BGLD | Geophysikalisches Observatorium der Ludwig-Maximilians Universität |
| Germany |
BGR | Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe |
| Germany |
BGS | British Geological Survey |
| United Kingdom |
BGSI | Botswana Geoscience Institute |
| Botswana |
BHP | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
BHUJ | Bhuj Aftershock Study |
| U.S.A. |
BHUJ2 | Study of Aftershocks of the Bhuj Earthquake by Japanese Research Team |
| Japan |
BIAK | Biak earthquake aftershocks (17-Feb-1996) |
| U.S.A. |
BJI | China Earthquake Networks Center |
| China |
BJT | Baijiatuan |
| China |
BKK | Thai Meteorological Department |
| Thailand |
BLA | Virginia Tech |
| U.S.A. |
BNG | Observatoire ORSTOM de Bangui |
| Central African Republic |
BNS | Erdbebenstation, Geologisches Institut der Universität, Köl |
| Germany |
BOG | Universidad Javeriana |
| Colombia |
BOM | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
BOU | University of Colorado at Boulder |
| U.S.A. |
BOZ | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
BRA | Geophysical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences |
| Slovakia |
BRG | Seismological Observatory Berggießhübel, TU Bergakademie Freiberg |
| Germany |
BRK | Berkeley Seismological Laboratory |
| U.S.A. |
BRS | Brisbane Seismograph Station |
| Australia |
BSE | Boise State University |
| U.S.A. |
BUC | National Institute for Earth Physics |
| Romania |
BUD | Geodetic and Geophysical Research Institute |
| Hungary |
BUEE | Earth & Environment |
| U.S.A. |
BUG | Institute of Geology, Mineralogy & Geophysics |
| Germany |
BUGSR | Buryat Branch, Geophysical Survey, Russian Academy of Sciences |
| |
BUL | Goetz Observatory |
| Zimbabwe |
BUT | Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology |
| U.S.A. |
BYKL | Baykal Regional Seismological Centre, GS SB RAS |
| Russia |
CADCG | Central America Data Centre | CASC | Costa Rica |
CAN | Australian National University |
| Australia |
CANSK | Canadian and Scandinavian Networks | HFS | Sweden |
CAR | Instituto Sismologico de Caracas |
| Venezuela |
CASC | Central American Seismic Center |
| Costa Rica |
CATAC | Central American Tsunami Advisory Center |
| Nicaragua |
CDWR | California Department of Water Resources |
| U.S.A. |
CENT | Centennial Earthquake Catalog |
| U.S.A. |
CERI | Center for Earthquake Research and Information |
| U.S.A. |
CFUSG | Inst. of Seismology and Geodynamics, V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University |
| Republic of Crimea |
CGS | Coast and Geodetic Survey of the United States | NEIS | U.S.A. |
CHM | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
CHU | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
CIG | Servicio Geologico Nacional de El Salvador |
| El Salvador |
CINCA | Crustal Investigations Off- and On-shore Nazca - Central Andes |
| Germany |
CLL | Geophysikalisches Observatorium Collm |
| Germany |
CMWS | Laboratory of Seismic Monitoring of Caucasus Mineral Water Region, GSRAS |
| Russia |
CNG | Seismographic Station Changalane |
| Mozambique |
CNH | Changchun | BJI | China |
CNRM | Centre National de Recherche |
| Morocco |
COI | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
COM | Comitan | TAC | Mexico |
CON | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
COP | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
COR | COAS Physical Oceanography |
| U.S.A. |
COSMOS | Consortium of Organizations for Strong Motion Observations |
| U.S.A. |
CRA | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
CRAAG | Centre de Recherche en Astronomie, Astrophysique et Géophysique |
| Algeria |
CRT | Cartuja Seismological Station | MDD | Spain |
CSC | University of South Carolina |
| U.S.A. |
CSEM | Centre Sismologique Euro-Méditerranéen (CSEM/EMSC) |
| France |
CUPWA | Curtin University |
| Australia |
DAGSR | Dagestan Branch, Geophysical Survey, Russian Academy of Sciences |
| Russia |
DASA | Defense Atomic Support Agency | DOE | U.S.A. |
DBN | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut |
| Netherlands |
DDA | General Directorate of Disaster Affairs |
| Turkey |
DHMR | Yemen National Seismological Center |
| Yemen |
DIAS | Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies |
| Ireland |
DJA | Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika |
| Indonesia |
DMN | National Seismological Centre, Nepal |
| Nepal |
| U.S.A. | |
DNK | Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland |
| Denmark |
DOE | Department of Energy |
| U.S.A. |
DPSN | Dominica Public Seismic Network |
| Dominican Republic |
DRS | Dagestan Branch, Geophysical Survey, Russian Academy of Sciences |
| Russia |
DSN | Dubai Seismic Network |
| United Arab Emirates |
DUSS | Damascus University, Syria |
| Syria |
EAF | East African Network |
| |
EAGLE | Ethiopia-Afar Geoscientific Lithospheric Experiment |
| |
EBM | Esen Boulak |
| Mongolia |
EBR | Observatori de l'Ebre |
| Spain |
EBSE | Ethiopian Broadband Seismic Experiment |
| |
ECGS | European Center for Geodynamics and Seismology |
| Luxembourg |
ECX | Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada |
| Mexico |
EFATE | OBS Experiment near Efate, Vanuatu |
| U.S.A. |
EHB | Engdahl, van der Hilst and Buland |
| U.S.A. |
EIDC | Experimental (GSETT3) International Data Center |
| U.S.A. |
EKA | Eskdalemuir Array Station |
| United Kingdom |
ENT | Geological Survey and Mines Department |
| Uganda |
EPSI | Reference events computed by the ISC for EPSI project |
| United Kingdom |
ERDA | Energy Research and Development Administration | DOE | U.S.A. |
ERI | Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo |
| Japan |
ESK | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
ESLA | Centro Sismologico de Sonseca |
| Spain |
EST | Geological Survey of Estonia |
| Estonia |
EUO | Department of Geological Sciences, University of Oregon |
| U.S.A. |
| ||
EVBIB | Data from publications listed in the ISC Event Bibliography |
| |
FBR | Fabra Observatory |
| Spain |
FCIAR | Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research |
| Russia |
FDF | Fort de France |
| Martinique |
FIA0 | Finessa Array |
| Finland |
FKK | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
FOR | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
FRU | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
FUBES | Earth Science Dept., Geophysics Section |
| Germany |
FUNV | Fundación Venezolana de Investigaciones Sismológicas |
| Venezuela |
FUR | Geophysikalisches Observatorium der Universität München |
| Germany |
GBA | Bhaba Atomic Research Centre |
| India |
GBZT | Marmara Research Center |
| Turkey |
| Guatemala |
GCMT | The Global CMT Project |
| U.S.A. |
GDNRW | Geologischer Dienst Nordrhein-Westfalen |
| Germany |
GDSN | Ghana Geological Survey Department |
| Ghana |
GEC2 | Geress Array |
| Germany |
GEM | ISC-GEM Global Instrumental Earthquake Catalogue |
| |
GEN | Dipartimento per lo Studio del Territorio e delle sue Risorse (RSNI) |
| Italy |
GEOAZ | UMR Géoazur |
| France |
| Germany |
GFZ | Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre For Geosciences |
| Germany |
GII | The Geophysical Institute of Israel |
| Israel |
GLD | Golden |
| U.S.A. |
GM | U.S. Geological Survey |
| U.S.A. |
GOL | Colorado School of Mines |
| U.S.A. |
GOM | Observatoire Volcanologique de Goma |
| Democratic Republic of the Congo |
GRA | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
GRA1 | Grafenberg Array |
| Germany |
GRAL | National Council for Scientific Research |
| Lebanon |
GRO | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
GS | U.S. Geological Survey | USGS | U.S.A. |
GSAST | Geophysial Survey of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan |
| Tajikistan |
GSDM | Geological Survey Department Malawi |
| Malawi |
GSET2 | Group of Scientific Experts Second Technical Test 1991, April 22 - June 2 |
| |
GSI | Geological Survey of Israel |
| Israel |
GSRAS | Geophysical Survey, Russian Academy of Sciences |
| |
GTFE | German Task Force for Earthquakes |
| Germany |
GUC | Centro Sismológico Nacional, Universidad de Chile |
| Chile |
GUTE | Gutenberg and Richter, Seismicity of the Earth |
| |
GUV | CVG Electrificacion del Caroni |
| Venezuela |
HAM | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
HAN | Hannover | SZGRF | Germany |
HDC | Observatorio Vulcanológico y Sismológico de Costa Rica |
| Costa Rica |
HEL | Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki |
| Finland |
HFS | Hagfors Observatory |
| Sweden |
HFS1 | Hagfors Observatory |
| Sweden |
HFS2 | Hagfors Observatory |
| Sweden |
HIMNT | Himalayan Nepal Tibet Experiment |
| U.S.A. |
HKC | Hong Kong Observatory |
| Hong Kong |
HLUG | Hessisches Landesamt für Umwelt und Geologie |
| Germany |
HLW | National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics |
| Egypt |
HNR | Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification |
| Solomon Islands |
HOKK_DSZ | Hokkaido Double Seismic Zone |
| |
HON | Pacific Tsunami Warning Center - NOAA |
| U.S.A. |
HROE | Geophysikalisches Observatorium - Hohe Rhvn-Fladungen |
| Germany |
HRV | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
HRVD | Harvard University |
| U.S.A. |
HRVD_LR | Department of Geological Sciences, Harvard University |
| U.S.A. |
HVO | Hawaiian Volcano Observatory |
| U.S.A. |
HYB | National Geophysical Research Institute |
| India |
HYD | National Geophysical Research Institute | NDI | India |
IAG | Instituto Andaluz de Geofisica |
| Spain |
IASBS | Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences |
| Iran |
IASPEI | IASPEI Working Group on Reference Events |
| U.S.A. |
IBER | Institute of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera - CSIC |
| Spain |
ICE | Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad |
| Costa Rica |
IDC | International Data Centre, CTBTO |
| Austria |
IDG | Institute of Dynamics of Geosphere, Russian Academy of Sciences |
| Russia |
IEC | Institute of the Earth Crust, SB RAS |
| Russia |
IEPN | Institute of Environmental Problems of the North, Russian Academy of Sciences |
| Russia |
IFREE | Institute For Research on Earth Evolution |
| Japan |
IGGSL | Seismology Lab, Institute of Geology & Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
| China |
IGIL | Instituto Dom Luiz, University of Lisbon |
| Portugal |
IGKR | Institute of Geology,Komi Science Centre,Ural Branch,Russian Academy of Sciences |
| Russia |
IGKRC | Institute of Geology, Karelian Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences |
| Russia |
IGQ | Servicio Nacional de Sismología y Vulcanología |
| Ecuador |
IGS | Institute of Geological Sciences |
| United Kingdom |
INAM | Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia e Geofisica - INAMET |
| Angola |
INC | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
INDEPTH3 | International Deep Profiling of Tibet and the Himalayas |
| U.S.A. |
INDR | Inst. Nacional de Recursos Hidraulicos |
| Dominican Republic |
INET | Instituto Nicaraguense de Estudios Territoriales - INETER |
| Nicaragua |
INMG | Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera, I.P. |
| Portugal |
INMGC | Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia e Geofísica |
| Cape Verde |
INTV | Instituto de Tecnología Venezolana para el Petróleo |
| Venezuela |
INY | Cornell university (INSTOC) |
| U.S.A. |
IPEC | The Institute of Physics of the Earth (IPEC) |
| Czech Republic |
IPER | Institute of Physics of the Earth, Academy of Sciences, Moscow |
| Russia |
IPGP | Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris |
| France |
IPRG | Institute for Petroleum Research and Geophysics |
| Israel |
IRIS | IRIS Data Management Center |
| U.S.A. |
IRK | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
IRSM | Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics |
| Czech Republic |
ISA | International Seismological Association |
| |
ISC | International Seismological Centre |
| United Kingdom |
ISC-EHB | Revision and Continuation of the EHB project |
| |
ISCJB | International Seismological Centre |
| United Kingdom |
ISC-PPSM | International Seismological Centre Probabilistic Point Source Model |
| United Kingdom |
ISK | Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute |
| Turkey |
ISN | Iraqi Meteorological and Seismology Organisation |
| Iraq |
ISS | International Seismological Summary |
| United Kingdom |
IST | Institute of Physics of the Earth, Technical University of Istanbul |
| Turkey |
ISU | Institute of Seismology, Academy of Sciences, Republic of Uzbekistan |
| Uzbekistan |
ITU | Faculty of Mines, Department of Geophysical Engineering |
| Turkey |
JEN | Geodynamisches Observatorium Moxa |
| Germany |
JER | Seismological Laboratory, Geological Survey of Israel |
| Israel |
JMA | Japan Meteorological Agency |
| Japan |
JOH | Bernard Price Institute of Geophysics |
| South Africa |
JSA | Jesuit Society of America | SLM | U.S.A. |
JSN | Jamaica Seismic Network |
| Jamaica |
JSO | Jordan Seismological Observatory |
| Jordan |
KAAPVAAL | Kaapvaal Craton Seismic Experiment |
| U.S.A. |
KAF | Kangasniemi Station |
| Finland |
KAGSR | Kamchatka Branch, Geophysical Survey, Russian Academy of Sciences |
| |
KBC | Institut de Recherches Géologiques et Minières |
| Cameroon |
KBL | Afghanistan Seismological Observatory |
| Afghanistan |
KEA | Korea Earthquake Administration |
| Democratic People's Republic of Korea |
KEW | Kew Observatory |
| United Kingdom |
KHC | Institute of Geophysics, Czech Academy of Sciences |
| Czech Republic |
KHO | Khorog |
| Tajikistan |
KIR | Kiruna | UPP | Sweden |
KISR | Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research |
| Kuwait |
KLM | Malaysian Meteorological Service |
| Malaysia |
KMA | Korea Meteorological Administration |
| Republic of Korea |
KMGSR | Kavkazskie Mineralnye Vody Branch, Geophysical Survey, RAS |
| Russia |
KNET | Kyrgyz Seismic Network |
| Kyrgyzstan |
KOB | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
KOC | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
KOGSR | Kola Branch, Geophysical Survey, Russian Academy of Sciences |
| Russia |
KOLA | Kola Regional Seismic Centre, GS RAS |
| Russia |
KRAR | Krasnoyarsk Scientific Research Inst. of Geology and Mineral Resources, Russia |
| Russia |
KRISP | Kenya Rift International Seismic Project |
| Germany |
KRL | Geodätisches Institut der Universität Karlsruhe |
| Germany |
KRNET | Institute of Seismology, Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyz Republic |
| Kyrgyzstan |
KRSC | Kamchatka Branch of the Geophyiscal Survey of the RAS |
| Russia |
KRSZO | Geodetic and Geophysical Reasearch Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences |
| Hungary |
KSA | Observatoire de Ksara |
| Lebanon |
KUK | Geological Survey Department of Ghana |
| Ghana |
LAO | Large Aperture Seismic Array |
| U.S.A. |
LDG | Laboratoire de Détection et de Géophysique/CEA |
| France |
LDN | University of Western Ontario |
| Canada |
LDO | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory |
| U.S.A. |
LED | Landeserdbebendienst Baden-Württemberg | LEDBW | Germany |
LEDBW | Landeserdbebendienst Baden-Württemberg |
| Germany |
LEM | Lembang Station | DJA | Indonesia |
LER | Besucherbergwerk Binweide Station |
| Germany |
LIB | Tripoli |
| Libya |
LIC | Station Géophysique de Lamto |
| Ivory Coast |
LIM | Lima | ARE | Peru |
LIS | Instituto de Meteorologia |
| Portugal |
LIT | Geological Survey of Lithuania |
| Lithuania |
LJU | Slovenian Environment Agency |
| Slovenia |
LPA | Universidad Nacional de La Plata |
| Argentina |
LPB | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
LPZ | Observatorio San Calixto |
| Bolivia |
LRA | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
LRSM | Long Range Seismic Measurements Project |
| |
LSZ | Geological Survey Department of Zambia |
| Zambia |
LTX | Lajitas Seismic Array |
| U.S.A. |
LVSN | Latvian Seismic Network |
| Latvia |
LVV | Department of Seismic Activity of Carpathian area (Lviv) |
| Ukraine |
LWI | Centre de Geophysique du Zaire |
| Democratic Republic of the Congo |
MAL | Malaga | MDD | Spain |
MAN | Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology |
| Philippines |
MASS | Marcelo Assumpcao |
| Brazil |
MAT | The Matsushiro Seismological Observatory |
| Japan |
| USSR | |
MCO | Macao Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau |
| Macao, China |
MCSM | Main Centre for Special Monitoring |
| Ukraine |
MDD | Instituto Geográfico Nacional |
| Spain |
MED_RCMT | MedNet Regional Centroid - Moment Tensors |
| Italy |
MELT | Mantle Electromagnetic and Tomography Experiment |
| U.S.A. |
MER | Merida | TAC | Mexico |
MERI | Maharashta Engineering Research Institute |
| India |
MES | Messina Seismological Observatory |
| Italy |
MEX | Instituto de Geofísica de la UNAM |
| Mexico |
MIRAS | Mining Institute of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences |
| Russia |
MKY | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
MLR | Muntele Rosu Station |
| Romania |
MNH | Institut für Angewandte Geophysik der Universitat Munchen |
| Germany |
MOLD | Institute of Geophysics and Geology |
| Moldova |
MOS | Geophysical Survey of Russian Academy of Sciences |
| Russia |
MOZ | Direccao Nacional de Geologia |
| Mozambique |
| Mozambique | |
MPSN | Mesopotamian Seismological Network |
| Iraq |
MRB | Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya |
| Spain |
MROB | Geophysikalisches Observatorium - Rosenbuhl |
| Germany |
MSI | Messina Seismological Observatory |
| Italy |
MSSP | Micro Seismic Studies Programme, PINSTECH |
| Pakistan |
MSUGS | Michigan State University, Department of Geological Sciences |
| U.S.A. |
MUM | Manipur University |
| India |
MUN | Mundaring Observatory |
| Australia |
MVOV | Montserrat Volcano Observatory |
| Montserrat |
MZEK | Geophysikalisches Observatorium - Zeckenberg |
| Germany |
NAG | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
NAI | University of Nairobi |
| Kenya |
NAM | The Geological Survey of Namibia |
| Namibia |
NAN | Nanking Station | BJI | China |
NANGA | Nanga Parbat Seismic Experiment |
| U.S.A. |
NAO | Stiftelsen NORSAR |
| Norway |
NCEDC | Northern California Earthquake Data Center |
| U.S.A. |
NDI | National Centre for Seismology of the Ministry of Earth Sciences of India |
| India |
NEGSR | North East (Magadan) Branch, Geophysical Survey, Russian Academy of Sciences |
| Russia |
NEIC | National Earthquake Information Center |
| U.S.A. |
NEIS | National Earthquake Information Service | NEIC | U.S.A. |
NERS | North Eastern Regional Seismological Centre, Magadan, GS RAS |
| Russia |
NEU | Neuchatel Station | ZUR | Switzerland |
NIC | Cyprus Geological Survey Department |
| Cyprus |
NIED | National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience |
| Japan |
| USSR | |
NNC | National Nuclear Center |
| Kazakhstan |
NOGSR | North Ossetia (Alania) Branch, Geophysical Survey, Russian Academy of Sciences |
| Russia |
NORI | Geophysikalisches Observatorium - Nordlinger Ries |
| Germany |
NORS | North Ossetia (Alania) Branch, Geophysical Survey, Russian Academy of Sciences |
| Russia |
NOU | IRD Centre de Nouméa |
| New Caledonia |
NPO | North Pole Environmental Observatory |
| U.S.A. |
NRA0 | Noress Array |
| Norway |
NSRDA | Centre for Geodesy & Geodynamics, Nat'l Space Research & Developmentment Agency |
| Nigeria |
NSSC | National Syrian Seismological Center |
| Syria |
NSSP | National Survey of Seismic Protection |
| Armenia |
NUR | Nurmijarvi Station | HEL | Finland |
OAX | Oaxaca | TAC | Mexico |
OBER | Geophysikalisches Observatorium - Oberstdorf |
| Germany |
OBGSR | Central (Obninsk) Branch, Geophysical Survey, Russian Academy of Sciences |
| Russia |
OBM | Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics, Mongolian Academy of Sciences |
| Mongolia |
OGA | Geophysikalisches Observatorium - Obergurgl/A |
| Germany |
OGAUC | Centro de Investigação da Terra e do Espaço da Universidade de Coimbra |
| Portugal |
OGSO | Ohio Geological Survey |
| U.S.A. |
OGU | Observatorio Geofísico del Uruguay |
| Uruguay |
OMAN | Sultan Qaboos University |
| Oman |
ORF | Orfeus Data Center |
| Netherlands |
OSA | Osa Peninsula Project, Costa Rica |
| U.S.A. |
OSPL | Observatorio Sismologico Politecnico Loyola |
| Dominican Republic |
OSS | Ova Spin |
| Switzerland |
OSUB | Osservatorio Sismologico Universita di Bari |
| Italy |
OSUNB | Observatory Seismological of the University of Brasilia |
| Brazil |
OTT | Canadian Hazards Information Service, Natural Resources Canada |
| Canada |
OXD | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
PAL | Palisades |
| U.S.A. |
PANAMA97 | Panama Canal Seismicity Study |
| U.S.A. |
PAS | California Institute of Technology |
| U.S.A. |
PAV | Pavia | ROM | Italy |
PDA | Universidade dos Açores |
| Portugal |
PDE | Preliminary Determination of Epicentres | NEIC | U.S.A. |
PDG | Institute of Hydrometeorology and Seismology of Montenegro |
| Montenegro |
PEK | Peking | BJI | China |
PFO | Pinyon Flat Observatory |
| U.S.A. |
PGC | Pacific Geoscience Centre |
| Canada |
PIN | Pinedale Seismic Array |
| U.S.A. |
PISCO | Proyecto de Investigacion Sismologica de la Cordillera Occidental |
| Germany |
PIST | P. Stahl |
| France |
PIT | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
PJWWP | Private Observatory of Pawel Jacek Wiejacz, D.Sc. |
| Poland |
PLV | Institute of Geophysics, Viet Nam Academy of Science and Technology |
| Viet Nam |
PMEL | Pacific seismicity from hydrophones |
| U.S.A. |
PMG | Port Moresby Geophysical Observatory |
| Papua New Guinea |
PMR | Alaska Tsunami Warning Center, |
| U.S.A. |
PNG | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
PNNL | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
| U.S.A. |
PNSN | Pacific Northwest Seismic Network |
| U.S.A. |
POO | Poona Observatory | NDI | India |
PPT | Laboratoire de Géophysique/CEA |
| French Polynesia |
PRA | Institute of Geophysics, Czech Academy of Sciences |
| Czech Republic |
PRE | Council for Geoscience |
| South Africa |
PRT | Observatorio San Domenico |
| Italy |
PRU | Institute of Geophysics, Czech Academy of Sciences |
| Czech Republic |
PTO | Instituto Geofísico da Universidade do Porto |
| Portugal |
PTWC | Pacific Tsunami Warning Center |
| U.S.A. |
PUL | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
PUNA | Puna Plateau, Argentina and Northern Chile Experiment |
| Germany |
PUS | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
PYA | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
QCP | Manila Observatory |
| Philippines |
QDM | Queensland Department of Mines |
| Australia |
QUE | Pakistan Meteorological Department |
| Pakistan |
QUI | Escuela Politécnica Nacional |
| Ecuador |
RAB | Rabaul Volcanological Observatory |
| Papua New Guinea |
RBA | Université Mohammed V |
| Morocco |
RDP | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
REN | MacKay School of Mines |
| U.S.A. |
REY | Icelandic Meteorological Office |
| Iceland |
RHSSO | Republic Hydrometeorological Service, Seismological Observatory, Banja Luka |
| Bosnia and Herzegovina |
RIPT | Research Inst. of Pulse Technique |
| Russia |
RISSC | Laboratory of Research on Experimental and Computational Seimology |
| Italy |
RIV | Riverview Observatory |
| Australia |
RJOB | Geophysikalisches Observatorium - Jochberg |
| Germany |
RMIT | Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology |
| Australia |
RNON | Geophysikalisches Observatorium - Staufen-Nonn |
| Germany |
ROC | Odenbach Seismic Observatory |
| U.S.A. |
ROM | Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia |
| Italy |
ROTZ | Geophysikalisches Observatorium - Rotzenmuhle |
| Germany |
RRLJ | Regional Research Laboratory Jorhat |
| India |
RSMAC | Red Sísmica Mexicana de Apertura Continental |
| Mexico |
RSNC | Red Sismológica Nacional de Colombia |
| Colombia |
RSPR | Red Sísmica de Puerto Rico |
| U.S.A. |
RYD | King Saud University |
| Saudi Arabia |
SAGSR | Sakhalin Branch, Geophysical Survey, Russian Academy of Sciences |
| Russia |
SAN | Santiago | GUC | Chile |
SAPSE | Southern Alps Passive Seismic Experiment |
| New Zealand |
SAR | Sarajevo Seismological Station |
| Bosnia and Herzegovina |
SARA | SARA Electronic Instrument s.r.l. |
| Italy |
| USSR | |
SCB | Observatorio San Calixto |
| Bolivia |
SCE | Geophysikalisches Observatorium - Schlegeis/Austria |
| Germany |
SCEDC | Southern California Earthquake Data Center |
| U.S.A. |
SCSIO | Key Laboratory of Ocean and Marginal Sea Geology, South China Sea |
| China |
SDD | Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo |
| Dominican Republic |
SEA | Geophysics Program AK-50 |
| U.S.A. |
SEDA | Seismic Exploration of the Deep Altiplano |
| U.S.A. |
SEPA | Seismic Experiment in Patagonia and Antarctica |
| U.S.A. |
SET | Setif Observatory |
| Algeria |
SFS | Real Instituto y Observatorio de la Armada |
| Spain |
SGS | Saudi Geological Survey |
| Saudi Arabia |
SHI | Shiraz Observatory |
| Iran |
SHIDE | Shide Circulars |
| |
SHL | Central Seismological Observatory |
| India |
SIGU | Subbotin Institute of Geophysics, National Academy of Sciences |
| Ukraine |
SIK | Seismic Institute of Kosovo |
| |
SIO | Scripps Institution of Oceanography |
| U.S.A. |
SJA | Instituto Nacional de Prevención Sísmica |
| Argentina |
SJP | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
SJS | Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad |
| Costa Rica |
SKHL | Sakhalin Experimental and Methodological Seismological Expedition, GS RAS |
| Russia |
SKL | Sakhalin Complex Scientific Research Institute |
| Russia |
SKO | Seismological Observatory Skopje |
| North Macedonia |
SLC | Salt Lake City |
| U.S.A. |
SLM | Saint Louis University |
| U.S.A. |
SLUB | Seismological Laboratory of University of Basrah |
| Iraq |
SMI | Smithsonian Institution |
| U.S.A. |
SNET | Servicio Nacional de Estudios Territoriales |
| El Salvador |
SNM | New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology |
| U.S.A. |
SNSN | Saudi National Seismic Network |
| Saudi Arabia |
SOC | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
SOD | Sodankyla Seismological Station | HEL | Finland |
SOF | National Institute of Geophysics, Geology and Geography |
| Bulgaria |
SOMC | Seismological Observatory of Mount Cameroon |
| Cameroon |
SOME | Seismological Experimental Methodological Expedition |
| Kazakhstan |
SPA | USGS - South Pole |
| Antarctica |
SPASE | Southwest Pacific Seismic Experiment |
| U.S.A. |
SPC | Skalnate-Pleso Seismological Station | BRA | Slovakia |
SPGM | Service de Physique du Globe | RBA | Morocco |
| Armenia | |
SRI | Stanford Research Institute |
| U.S.A. |
SSN | Sudan Seismic Network |
| Sudan |
SSNC | Servicio Sismológico Nacional Cubano |
| Cuba |
SSS | Centro de Estudios y Investigaciones Geotecnicas del San Salvador |
| El Salvador |
STK | Stockholm Seismological Station | HFS | Sweden |
STL | Santa Lucia Seismological Station | GUC | Chile |
| France |
STU | Stuttgart Seismological Station | LEDBW | Germany |
SUC | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
SUS | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
SVA | Department of Mineral Resources |
| Fiji |
SVE | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
SVSA | Sistema de Vigilância Sismológica dos Açores |
| Portugal |
| ||
SYKES | Sykes Catalogue of earthquakes 1950 onwards |
| |
SYO | National Institute of Polar Research |
| Japan |
SZGRF | Seismologisches Zentralobservatorium Gräfenberg |
| Germany |
TAB | Tabriz Seismological Observatory |
| Iran |
TAC | Estación Central de Tacubaya |
| Mexico |
TAN | Antananarivo |
| Madagascar |
TANZANIA | Tanzania Broadband Seismic Experiment |
| U.S.A. |
TAP | Central Weather Bureau (CWB) |
| |
TAS | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
TAU | University of Tasmania |
| Australia |
TEH | Tehran University |
| Iran |
TEIC | Center for Earthquake Research and Information |
| U.S.A. |
THE | Department of Geophysics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki |
| Greece |
THR | International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES) |
| Iran |
TIENSHAN | Tien Shan Continental Dynamics |
| U.S.A. |
TIF | Institute of Earth Sciences/ National Seismic Monitoring Center |
| Georgia |
TIR | Institute of Geosciences, Polytechnic University of Tirana |
| Albania |
TOK | Tokyo Observatory | JMA | Japan |
TOL | Toledo Observatory | MDD | Spain |
TRI | Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS) |
| Italy |
TRN | The Seismic Research Centre |
| Trinidad and Tobago |
TTG | Titograd Seismological Station | PDG | Montenegro |
TUC | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
TUL | Oklahoma Geological Survey |
| U.S.A. |
TUN | Institut National de la Météorologie |
| Tunisia |
TVA | Tennessee Valley Authority |
| U.S.A. |
TXNET | Texas Seismological Network, University of Texas at Austin |
| U.S.A. |
TZN | University of Dar Es Salaam |
| Tanzania |
UAF | Department of Geosciences |
| U.S.A. |
UATDG | The University of Arizona, Department of Geosciences |
| U.S.A. |
UAV | Red Sismológica de Los Andes Venezolanos |
| Venezuela |
UCB | University of Colorado, Boulder |
| U.S.A. |
UCC | Royal Observatory of Belgium |
| Belgium |
UCDES | Department of Earth Sciences |
| United Kingdom |
UCR | Sección de Sismología, Vulcanología y Exploración Geofísica |
| Costa Rica |
UCSC | Earth & Planetary Sciences |
| U.S.A. |
UESG | School of Geosciences |
| United Kingdom |
UGN | Institute of Geonics AS CR |
| Czech Republic |
ULE | University of Leeds |
| United Kingdom |
UNAH | Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras |
| Honduras |
UNK | Unknown source |
| |
UNKOWN | Unknown source |
| |
UNSL | Universidad Nacional de San Luis |
| Argentina |
UPA | Universidad de Panama |
| Panama |
UPIES | Institute of Earth- and Environmental Science |
| Germany |
UPP | University of Uppsala |
| Sweden |
UPSL | University of Patras, Department of Geology |
| Greece |
UREES | Department of Earth and Environmental Science |
| U.S.A. |
USAEC | United States Atomic Energy Commission | DOE | U.S.A. |
USAF | US Air Force Technical Applications Center |
| U.S.A. |
USBR | US Bureau of Reclamation |
| U.S.A. |
USCGS | United States Coast and Geodetic Survey | NEIC | U.S.A. |
USGS | United States Geological Survey |
| U.S.A. |
USOES | University of Southampton Ocean and Earth Science |
| United Kingdom |
UTEP | Department of Geological Sciences |
| U.S.A. |
UUSS | The University of Utah Seismograph Stations |
| U.S.A. |
UVC | Universidad del Valle |
| Colombia |
UWMDG | University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Geoscience |
| U.S.A. |
VAO | Instituto Astronomico e Geofísico |
| Brazil |
VIE | Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG) |
| Austria |
VKMS | Lab. of Seismic Monitoring, Voronezh region, GSRAS & Voronezh State University |
| Russia |
VLA | Vladivostok Seismological Station | MOS | Russia |
VMGSR | Voronezh Crystalline Massif Branch, Geophysical Survey, RAS |
| Russia |
VRAC | Vranov Seismological Station |
| Czech Republic |
VSI | University of Athens |
| Greece |
VUW | Victoria University of Wellington |
| New Zealand |
WAR | Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences |
| Poland |
| U.S.A. | |
WBNET | Institute of Geophysics, Czech Academy of Sciences |
| Czech Republic |
WEL | Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences |
| New Zealand |
WES | Weston Observatory |
| U.S.A. |
WET | Geophysikalisches Observatorium - Wettzell |
| Germany |
WMO | Wichita Mountains Observatory | NEIS | U.S.A. |
WOODLARK | Woodlark-D,Entrecasteaux Rift, Papua New Guinea |
| U.S.A. |
WUSTL | Washington University Earth and Planentary Sciences |
| U.S.A. |
X | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
YAGSR | Yakut (Saha) Branch, Geophysical Survey, Russian Academy of Sciences |
| Russia |
YAL | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
YARS | Yakutiya Regional Seismological Center, GS SB RAS |
| Russia |
ZAG | Seismological Survey of the Republic of Croatia |
| Croatia |
| USSR | |
ZKW | Unknown Historical Agency |
| |
ZON | Universidad Nacional de San Juan |
| Argentina |
ZSC | Zose Seismological Station | BJI | China |
ZUR | Swiss Seismological Service (SED) |
| Switzerland |
ZUR_RMT | Zurich Moment Tensors |
| Switzerland |