Contributing agencies

The Bulletin of the International Seismological Centre relies on contributions from seismological agencies around the world. To date, a total of 597 agencies have contributed to the ISC Bulletin, throughout its history.

For full details of each agency, please select from either the agency code, or country:

Agency Code:


All contributing agencies are listed below.

Agency contributors

Code Name Alias Country
AABAlma-ata 2Kazakhstan
AACUnknown Historical Agency
AAEUniversity of Addis AbabaEthiopia
AAMUniversity of MichiganU.S.A.
ACIUniversita di CalabriaItaly
ADEPrimary Industries and Resources SAAustralia
ADHObservatorio Afonso ChavesPortugal
AEICAlaska Earthquake Information CenterU.S.A.
AFADDisaster and Emergency Management PresidencyTurkey
AFARThe Afar Depression: Interpretation of the 1960-2000 EarthquakesIsrael
AFIApia ObservatoryWestern Samoa
AFUAUniversity of AlabamaU.S.A.
AGSAlaska Seismic ProjectU.S.A.
ALGAlgiers UniversityAlgeria
ALIObservatorio Sismologico Vicente IngladaSpain
ALMInstituto Geografico y Catastral de AlmeriaSpain
ANCORPAndean Continental Research ProjectGermany
ANFUSArray Array Network FacilityU.S.A.
ANUBISAntarctic Network of Broadband SeismometersU.S.A.
APIApia ObservatoryWestern Samoa
APTUniversity of ConnecticutU.S.A.
ARA0Arcess ArrayNorway
AREInstituto Geofisico del PeruPeru
AROObservatoire Géophysique d'ArtaDjibouti
ASGSRAltay-Sayan Branch, Geophysical Survey, Russian Academy of SciencesRussia
ASIESInstitute of Earth Sciences, Academia SinicaChinese Taipei
ASLAlbuquerque Seismological LaboratoryU.S.A.
ASMUniversity of AsmaraEritrea
ASRSAltai-Sayan Seismological Centre, GS SB RASRussia
ATAThe Earthquake Research Center Ataturk UniversityTurkey
ATHNational Observatory of AthensGreece
AUSTGeoscience AustraliaAustralia
AWIAlfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine ResearchGermany
AZERRepublican Seismic Survey Center of Azerbaijan National Academy of SciencesAzerbaijan
AZOCentro de Informação e Vigilância Sismovulcânica dos AzoresPortugal
BAAServicio Meteorologico NacionalArgentina
BAASBritish Association for the Advancement of Science
BAGSRBaykal Branch, Geophysical Survey, Russian Academy of Sciences
BAKUnknown Historical Agency
BANJOBroadband ANdean JOint ExperimentU.S.A.
BASVBritish Antarctic SurveyUnited Kingdom
BCISBureau Central International de SismologieFrance
BDFObservatório Sismológico da Universidade de BrasíliaBrazil
BELRCentre of Geophysical Monitoring of the National Academy of Sciences of BelarusRepublic of Belarus
BEORepublicki seizmoloski zavodSerbia
BERUniversity of BergenNorway
BERKBerkheimer HGermany
BGLDGeophysikalisches Observatorium der Ludwig-Maximilians UniversitätGermany
BGRBundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und RohstoffeGermany
BGSBritish Geological SurveyUnited Kingdom
BGSIBotswana Geoscience InstituteBotswana
BHPUnknown Historical Agency
BHUJBhuj Aftershock StudyU.S.A.
BHUJ2Study of Aftershocks of the Bhuj Earthquake by Japanese Research TeamJapan
BIAKBiak earthquake aftershocks (17-Feb-1996)U.S.A.
BJIChina Earthquake Networks CenterChina
BKKThai Meteorological DepartmentThailand
BLAVirginia TechU.S.A.
BNGObservatoire ORSTOM de BanguiCentral African Republic
BNSErdbebenstation, Geologisches Institut der Universität, KölGermany
BOGUniversidad JaverianaColombia
BOMUnknown Historical Agency
BOUUniversity of Colorado at BoulderU.S.A.
BOZUnknown Historical Agency
BRAGeophysical Institute, Slovak Academy of SciencesSlovakia
BRGSeismological Observatory Berggießhübel, TU Bergakademie FreibergGermany
BRKBerkeley Seismological LaboratoryU.S.A.
BRSBrisbane Seismograph StationAustralia
BSEBoise State UniversityU.S.A.
BUCNational Institute for Earth PhysicsRomania
BUDGeodetic and Geophysical Research InstituteHungary
BUEEEarth & EnvironmentU.S.A.
BUGInstitute of Geology, Mineralogy & GeophysicsGermany
BUGSRBuryat Branch, Geophysical Survey, Russian Academy of Sciences
BULGoetz ObservatoryZimbabwe
BUTMontana Bureau of Mines and GeologyU.S.A.
BYKLBaykal Regional Seismological Centre, GS SB RASRussia
CADCGCentral America Data CentreCASCCosta Rica
CANAustralian National UniversityAustralia
CANSKCanadian and Scandinavian NetworksHFSSweden
CARInstituto Sismologico de CaracasVenezuela
CASCCentral American Seismic CenterCosta Rica
CATACCentral American Tsunami Advisory CenterNicaragua
CDWRCalifornia Department of Water ResourcesU.S.A.
CENTCentennial Earthquake CatalogU.S.A.
CERICenter for Earthquake Research and InformationU.S.A.
CFUSGInst. of Seismology and Geodynamics, V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal UniversityRepublic of Crimea
CGSCoast and Geodetic Survey of the United StatesNEISU.S.A.
CHMUnknown Historical Agency
CHUUnknown Historical Agency
CIGServicio Geologico Nacional de El SalvadorEl Salvador
CINCACrustal Investigations Off- and On-shore Nazca - Central AndesGermany
CLLGeophysikalisches Observatorium CollmGermany
CMWSLaboratory of Seismic Monitoring of Caucasus Mineral Water Region, GSRASRussia
CNGSeismographic Station ChangalaneMozambique
CNRMCentre National de RechercheMorocco
COIUnknown Historical Agency
CONUnknown Historical Agency
COPUnknown Historical Agency
CORCOAS Physical OceanographyU.S.A.
COSMOSConsortium of Organizations for Strong Motion ObservationsU.S.A.
CRAUnknown Historical Agency
CRAAGCentre de Recherche en Astronomie, Astrophysique et GéophysiqueAlgeria
CRTCartuja Seismological StationMDDSpain
CSCUniversity of South CarolinaU.S.A.
CSEMCentre Sismologique Euro-Méditerranéen (CSEM/EMSC)France
CUPWACurtin UniversityAustralia
DAGSRDagestan Branch, Geophysical Survey, Russian Academy of SciencesRussia
DASADefense Atomic Support AgencyDOEU.S.A.
DBNKoninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch InstituutNetherlands
DDAGeneral Directorate of Disaster AffairsTurkey
DHMRYemen National Seismological CenterYemen
DIASDublin Institute for Advanced StudiesIreland
DJABadan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan GeofisikaIndonesia
DMNNational Seismological Centre, NepalNepal
DNKGeological Survey of Denmark and GreenlandDenmark
DOEDepartment of EnergyU.S.A.
DPSNDominica Public Seismic NetworkDominican Republic
DRSDagestan Branch, Geophysical Survey, Russian Academy of SciencesRussia
DSNDubai Seismic NetworkUnited Arab Emirates
DUSSDamascus University, SyriaSyria
EAFEast African Network
EAGLEEthiopia-Afar Geoscientific Lithospheric Experiment
EBMEsen BoulakMongolia
EBRObservatori de l'EbreSpain
EBSEEthiopian Broadband Seismic Experiment
ECGSEuropean Center for Geodynamics and SeismologyLuxembourg
ECXCentro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de EnsenadaMexico
EFATEOBS Experiment near Efate, VanuatuU.S.A.
EHBEngdahl, van der Hilst and BulandU.S.A.
EIDCExperimental (GSETT3) International Data CenterU.S.A.
EKAEskdalemuir Array StationUnited Kingdom
ENTGeological Survey and Mines DepartmentUganda
EPSIReference events computed by the ISC for EPSI projectUnited Kingdom
ERDAEnergy Research and Development AdministrationDOEU.S.A.
ERIEarthquake Research Institute, University of TokyoJapan
ESKUnknown Historical Agency
ESLACentro Sismologico de SonsecaSpain
ESTGeological Survey of EstoniaEstonia
EUODepartment of Geological Sciences, University of OregonU.S.A.
EVBIBData from publications listed in the ISC Event Bibliography
FBRFabra ObservatorySpain
FCIARFederal Center for Integrated Arctic ResearchRussia
FDFFort de FranceMartinique
FIA0Finessa ArrayFinland
FKKUnknown Historical Agency
FORUnknown Historical Agency
FRUUnknown Historical Agency
FUBESEarth Science Dept., Geophysics SectionGermany
FUNVFundación Venezolana de Investigaciones SismológicasVenezuela
FURGeophysikalisches Observatorium der Universität MünchenGermany
GBABhaba Atomic Research CentreIndia
GBZTMarmara Research CenterTurkey
GCMTThe Global CMT ProjectU.S.A.
GDNRWGeologischer Dienst Nordrhein-WestfalenGermany
GDSNGhana Geological Survey DepartmentGhana
GEC2Geress ArrayGermany
GEMISC-GEM Global Instrumental Earthquake Catalogue
GENDipartimento per lo Studio del Territorio e delle sue Risorse (RSNI)Italy
GEOAZUMR GéoazurFrance
GFZHelmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre For GeosciencesGermany
GIIThe Geophysical Institute of IsraelIsrael
GMU.S. Geological SurveyU.S.A.
GOLColorado School of MinesU.S.A.
GOMObservatoire Volcanologique de GomaDemocratic Republic of the Congo
GRAUnknown Historical Agency
GRA1Grafenberg ArrayGermany
GRALNational Council for Scientific ResearchLebanon
GROUnknown Historical Agency
GSU.S. Geological SurveyUSGSU.S.A.
GSASTGeophysial Survey of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of TajikistanTajikistan
GSDMGeological Survey Department MalawiMalawi
GSET2Group of Scientific Experts Second Technical Test 1991, April 22 - June 2
GSIGeological Survey of IsraelIsrael
GSRASGeophysical Survey, Russian Academy of Sciences
GTFEGerman Task Force for EarthquakesGermany
GUCCentro Sismológico Nacional, Universidad de ChileChile
GUTEGutenberg and Richter, Seismicity of the Earth
GUVCVG Electrificacion del CaroniVenezuela
HAMUnknown Historical Agency
HDCObservatorio Vulcanológico y Sismológico de Costa RicaCosta Rica
HELInstitute of Seismology, University of HelsinkiFinland
HFSHagfors ObservatorySweden
HFS1Hagfors ObservatorySweden
HFS2Hagfors ObservatorySweden
HIMNTHimalayan Nepal Tibet ExperimentU.S.A.
HKCHong Kong ObservatoryHong Kong
HLUGHessisches Landesamt für Umwelt und GeologieGermany
HLWNational Research Institute of Astronomy and GeophysicsEgypt
HNRMinistry of Mines, Energy and Rural ElectrificationSolomon Islands
HOKK_DSZHokkaido Double Seismic Zone
HONPacific Tsunami Warning Center - NOAAU.S.A.
HROEGeophysikalisches Observatorium - Hohe Rhvn-FladungenGermany
HRVUnknown Historical Agency
HRVDHarvard UniversityU.S.A.
HRVD_LRDepartment of Geological Sciences, Harvard UniversityU.S.A.
HVOHawaiian Volcano ObservatoryU.S.A.
HYBNational Geophysical Research InstituteIndia
HYDNational Geophysical Research InstituteNDIIndia
IAGInstituto Andaluz de GeofisicaSpain
IASBSInstitute for Advanced Studies in Basic SciencesIran
IASPEIIASPEI Working Group on Reference EventsU.S.A.
IBERInstitute of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera - CSICSpain
ICEInstituto Costarricense de ElectricidadCosta Rica
IDCInternational Data Centre, CTBTOAustria
IDGInstitute of Dynamics of Geosphere, Russian Academy of SciencesRussia
IECInstitute of the Earth Crust, SB RASRussia
IEPNInstitute of Environmental Problems of the North, Russian Academy of SciencesRussia
IFREEInstitute For Research on Earth EvolutionJapan
IGGSLSeismology Lab, Institute of Geology & Geophysics, Chinese Academy of SciencesChina
IGILInstituto Dom Luiz, University of LisbonPortugal
IGKRInstitute of Geology,Komi Science Centre,Ural Branch,Russian Academy of SciencesRussia
IGKRCInstitute of Geology, Karelian Research Centre, Russian Academy of SciencesRussia
IGQServicio Nacional de Sismología y VulcanologíaEcuador
IGSInstitute of Geological SciencesUnited Kingdom
INAMInstituto Nacional de Meteorologia e Geofisica - INAMETAngola
INCUnknown Historical Agency
INDEPTH3International Deep Profiling of Tibet and the HimalayasU.S.A.
INDRInst. Nacional de Recursos HidraulicosDominican Republic
INETInstituto Nicaraguense de Estudios Territoriales - INETERNicaragua
INMGInstituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera, I.P.Portugal
INMGCInstituto Nacional de Meteorologia e GeofísicaCape Verde
INTVInstituto de Tecnología Venezolana para el PetróleoVenezuela
INYCornell university (INSTOC)U.S.A.
IPECThe Institute of Physics of the Earth (IPEC)Czech Republic
IPERInstitute of Physics of the Earth, Academy of Sciences, MoscowRussia
IPGPInstitut de Physique du Globe de ParisFrance
IPRGInstitute for Petroleum Research and GeophysicsIsrael
IRISIRIS Data Management CenterU.S.A.
IRKUnknown Historical Agency
IRSMInstitute of Rock Structure and MechanicsCzech Republic
ISAInternational Seismological Association
ISCInternational Seismological CentreUnited Kingdom
ISC-EHBRevision and Continuation of the EHB project
ISCJBInternational Seismological CentreUnited Kingdom
ISC-PPSMInternational Seismological Centre Probabilistic Point Source ModelUnited Kingdom
ISKKandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research InstituteTurkey
ISNIraqi Meteorological and Seismology OrganisationIraq
ISSInternational Seismological SummaryUnited Kingdom
ISTInstitute of Physics of the Earth, Technical University of IstanbulTurkey
ISUInstitute of Seismology, Academy of Sciences, Republic of UzbekistanUzbekistan
ITUFaculty of Mines, Department of Geophysical EngineeringTurkey
JENGeodynamisches Observatorium MoxaGermany
JERSeismological Laboratory, Geological Survey of IsraelIsrael
JMAJapan Meteorological AgencyJapan
JOHBernard Price Institute of GeophysicsSouth Africa
JSAJesuit Society of AmericaSLMU.S.A.
JSNJamaica Seismic NetworkJamaica
JSOJordan Seismological ObservatoryJordan
KAAPVAALKaapvaal Craton Seismic ExperimentU.S.A.
KAFKangasniemi StationFinland
KAGSRKamchatka Branch, Geophysical Survey, Russian Academy of Sciences
KBCInstitut de Recherches Géologiques et MinièresCameroon
KBLAfghanistan Seismological ObservatoryAfghanistan
KEAKorea Earthquake AdministrationDemocratic People's Republic of Korea
KEWKew ObservatoryUnited Kingdom
KHCInstitute of Geophysics, Czech Academy of SciencesCzech Republic
KISRKuwait Institute for Scientific ResearchKuwait
KLMMalaysian Meteorological ServiceMalaysia
KMAKorea Meteorological AdministrationRepublic of Korea
KMGSRKavkazskie Mineralnye Vody Branch, Geophysical Survey, RASRussia
KNETKyrgyz Seismic NetworkKyrgyzstan
KOBUnknown Historical Agency
KOCUnknown Historical Agency
KOGSRKola Branch, Geophysical Survey, Russian Academy of SciencesRussia
KOLAKola Regional Seismic Centre, GS RASRussia
KRARKrasnoyarsk Scientific Research Inst. of Geology and Mineral Resources, RussiaRussia
KRISPKenya Rift International Seismic ProjectGermany
KRLGeodätisches Institut der Universität KarlsruheGermany
KRNETInstitute of Seismology, Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyz RepublicKyrgyzstan
KRSCKamchatka Branch of the Geophyiscal Survey of the RASRussia
KRSZOGeodetic and Geophysical Reasearch Institute, Hungarian Academy of SciencesHungary
KSAObservatoire de KsaraLebanon
KUKGeological Survey Department of GhanaGhana
LAOLarge Aperture Seismic ArrayU.S.A.
LDGLaboratoire de Détection et de Géophysique/CEAFrance
LDNUniversity of Western OntarioCanada
LDOLamont-Doherty Earth ObservatoryU.S.A.
LEDLandeserdbebendienst Baden-WürttembergLEDBWGermany
LEDBWLandeserdbebendienst Baden-WürttembergGermany
LEMLembang StationDJAIndonesia
LERBesucherbergwerk Binweide StationGermany
LICStation Géophysique de LamtoIvory Coast
LISInstituto de MeteorologiaPortugal
LITGeological Survey of LithuaniaLithuania
LJUSlovenian Environment AgencySlovenia
LPAUniversidad Nacional de La PlataArgentina
LPBUnknown Historical Agency
LPZObservatorio San CalixtoBolivia
LRAUnknown Historical Agency
LRSMLong Range Seismic Measurements Project
LSZGeological Survey Department of ZambiaZambia
LTXLajitas Seismic ArrayU.S.A.
LVSNLatvian Seismic NetworkLatvia
LVVDepartment of Seismic Activity of Carpathian area (Lviv)Ukraine
LWICentre de Geophysique du ZaireDemocratic Republic of the Congo
MANPhilippine Institute of Volcanology and SeismologyPhilippines
MASSMarcelo AssumpcaoBrazil
MATThe Matsushiro Seismological ObservatoryJapan
MCOMacao Meteorological and Geophysical BureauMacao, China
MCSMMain Centre for Special MonitoringUkraine
MDDInstituto Geográfico NacionalSpain
MED_RCMTMedNet Regional Centroid - Moment TensorsItaly
MELTMantle Electromagnetic and Tomography ExperimentU.S.A.
MERIMaharashta Engineering Research InstituteIndia
MESMessina Seismological ObservatoryItaly
MEXInstituto de Geofísica de la UNAMMexico
MIRASMining Institute of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of SciencesRussia
MKYUnknown Historical Agency
MLRMuntele Rosu StationRomania
MNHInstitut für Angewandte Geophysik der Universitat MunchenGermany
MOLDInstitute of Geophysics and GeologyMoldova
MOSGeophysical Survey of Russian Academy of SciencesRussia
MOZDireccao Nacional de GeologiaMozambique
MPSNMesopotamian Seismological NetworkIraq
MRBInstitut Cartogràfic i Geològic de CatalunyaSpain
MROBGeophysikalisches Observatorium - RosenbuhlGermany
MSIMessina Seismological ObservatoryItaly
MSSPMicro Seismic Studies Programme, PINSTECHPakistan
MSUGSMichigan State University, Department of Geological SciencesU.S.A.
MUMManipur UniversityIndia
MUNMundaring ObservatoryAustralia
MVOVMontserrat Volcano ObservatoryMontserrat
MZEKGeophysikalisches Observatorium - ZeckenbergGermany
NAGUnknown Historical Agency
NAIUniversity of NairobiKenya
NAMThe Geological Survey of NamibiaNamibia
NANNanking StationBJIChina
NANGANanga Parbat Seismic ExperimentU.S.A.
NAOStiftelsen NORSARNorway
NCEDCNorthern California Earthquake Data CenterU.S.A.
NDINational Centre for Seismology of the Ministry of Earth Sciences of IndiaIndia
NEGSRNorth East (Magadan) Branch, Geophysical Survey, Russian Academy of SciencesRussia
NEICNational Earthquake Information CenterU.S.A.
NEISNational Earthquake Information ServiceNEICU.S.A.
NERSNorth Eastern Regional Seismological Centre, Magadan, GS RASRussia
NEUNeuchatel StationZURSwitzerland
NICCyprus Geological Survey DepartmentCyprus
NIEDNational Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster ResilienceJapan
NNCNational Nuclear CenterKazakhstan
NOGSRNorth Ossetia (Alania) Branch, Geophysical Survey, Russian Academy of SciencesRussia
NORIGeophysikalisches Observatorium - Nordlinger RiesGermany
NORSNorth Ossetia (Alania) Branch, Geophysical Survey, Russian Academy of SciencesRussia
NOUIRD Centre de NouméaNew Caledonia
NPONorth Pole Environmental ObservatoryU.S.A.
NRA0Noress ArrayNorway
NSRDACentre for Geodesy & Geodynamics, Nat'l Space Research & Developmentment AgencyNigeria
NSSCNational Syrian Seismological CenterSyria
NSSPNational Survey of Seismic ProtectionArmenia
NURNurmijarvi StationHELFinland
OBERGeophysikalisches Observatorium - OberstdorfGermany
OBGSRCentral (Obninsk) Branch, Geophysical Survey, Russian Academy of SciencesRussia
OBMInstitute of Astronomy and Geophysics, Mongolian Academy of SciencesMongolia
OGAGeophysikalisches Observatorium - Obergurgl/AGermany
OGAUCCentro de Investigação da Terra e do Espaço da Universidade de CoimbraPortugal
OGSOOhio Geological SurveyU.S.A.
OGUObservatorio Geofísico del UruguayUruguay
OMANSultan Qaboos UniversityOman
ORFOrfeus Data CenterNetherlands
OSAOsa Peninsula Project, Costa RicaU.S.A.
OSPLObservatorio Sismologico Politecnico LoyolaDominican Republic
OSSOva SpinSwitzerland
OSUBOsservatorio Sismologico Universita di BariItaly
OSUNBObservatory Seismological of the University of BrasiliaBrazil
OTTCanadian Hazards Information Service, Natural Resources CanadaCanada
OXDUnknown Historical Agency
PANAMA97Panama Canal Seismicity StudyU.S.A.
PASCalifornia Institute of TechnologyU.S.A.
PDAUniversidade dos AçoresPortugal
PDEPreliminary Determination of EpicentresNEICU.S.A.
PDGInstitute of Hydrometeorology and Seismology of MontenegroMontenegro
PFOPinyon Flat ObservatoryU.S.A.
PGCPacific Geoscience CentreCanada
PINPinedale Seismic ArrayU.S.A.
PISCOProyecto de Investigacion Sismologica de la Cordillera OccidentalGermany
PISTP. StahlFrance
PITUnknown Historical Agency
PJWWPPrivate Observatory of Pawel Jacek Wiejacz, D.Sc.Poland
PLVInstitute of Geophysics, Viet Nam Academy of Science and TechnologyViet Nam
PMELPacific seismicity from hydrophonesU.S.A.
PMGPort Moresby Geophysical ObservatoryPapua New Guinea
PMRAlaska Tsunami Warning Center,U.S.A.
PNGUnknown Historical Agency
PNNLPacific Northwest National LaboratoryU.S.A.
PNSNPacific Northwest Seismic NetworkU.S.A.
POOPoona ObservatoryNDIIndia
PPTLaboratoire de Géophysique/CEAFrench Polynesia
PRAInstitute of Geophysics, Czech Academy of SciencesCzech Republic
PRECouncil for GeoscienceSouth Africa
PRTObservatorio San DomenicoItaly
PRUInstitute of Geophysics, Czech Academy of SciencesCzech Republic
PTOInstituto Geofísico da Universidade do PortoPortugal
PTWCPacific Tsunami Warning CenterU.S.A.
PULUnknown Historical Agency
PUNAPuna Plateau, Argentina and Northern Chile ExperimentGermany
PUSUnknown Historical Agency
PYAUnknown Historical Agency
QCPManila ObservatoryPhilippines
QDMQueensland Department of MinesAustralia
QUEPakistan Meteorological DepartmentPakistan
QUIEscuela Politécnica NacionalEcuador
RABRabaul Volcanological ObservatoryPapua New Guinea
RBAUniversité Mohammed VMorocco
RDPUnknown Historical Agency
RENMacKay School of MinesU.S.A.
REYIcelandic Meteorological OfficeIceland
RHSSORepublic Hydrometeorological Service, Seismological Observatory, Banja LukaBosnia and Herzegovina
RIPTResearch Inst. of Pulse TechniqueRussia
RISSCLaboratory of Research on Experimental and Computational SeimologyItaly
RIVRiverview ObservatoryAustralia
RJOBGeophysikalisches Observatorium - JochbergGermany
RMITRoyal Melbourne Institute of TechnologyAustralia
RNONGeophysikalisches Observatorium - Staufen-NonnGermany
ROCOdenbach Seismic ObservatoryU.S.A.
ROMIstituto Nazionale di Geofisica e VulcanologiaItaly
ROTZGeophysikalisches Observatorium - RotzenmuhleGermany
RRLJRegional Research Laboratory JorhatIndia
RSMACRed Sísmica Mexicana de Apertura ContinentalMexico
RSNCRed Sismológica Nacional de ColombiaColombia
RSPRRed Sísmica de Puerto RicoU.S.A.
RYDKing Saud UniversitySaudi Arabia
SAGSRSakhalin Branch, Geophysical Survey, Russian Academy of SciencesRussia
SAPSESouthern Alps Passive Seismic ExperimentNew Zealand
SARSarajevo Seismological StationBosnia and Herzegovina
SARASARA Electronic Instrument s.r.l.Italy
SCBObservatorio San CalixtoBolivia
SCEGeophysikalisches Observatorium - Schlegeis/AustriaGermany
SCEDCSouthern California Earthquake Data CenterU.S.A.
SCSIOKey Laboratory of Ocean and Marginal Sea Geology, South China SeaChina
SDDUniversidad Autonoma de Santo DomingoDominican Republic
SEAGeophysics Program AK-50U.S.A.
SEDASeismic Exploration of the Deep AltiplanoU.S.A.
SEPASeismic Experiment in Patagonia and AntarcticaU.S.A.
SETSetif ObservatoryAlgeria
SFSReal Instituto y Observatorio de la ArmadaSpain
SGSSaudi Geological SurveySaudi Arabia
SHIShiraz ObservatoryIran
SHIDEShide Circulars
SHLCentral Seismological ObservatoryIndia
SIGUSubbotin Institute of Geophysics, National Academy of SciencesUkraine
SIKSeismic Institute of Kosovo
SIOScripps Institution of OceanographyU.S.A.
SJAInstituto Nacional de Prevención SísmicaArgentina
SJPUnknown Historical Agency
SJSInstituto Costarricense de ElectricidadCosta Rica
SKHLSakhalin Experimental and Methodological Seismological Expedition, GS RASRussia
SKLSakhalin Complex Scientific Research InstituteRussia
SKOSeismological Observatory SkopjeNorth Macedonia
SLCSalt Lake CityU.S.A.
SLMSaint Louis UniversityU.S.A.
SLUBSeismological Laboratory of University of BasrahIraq
SMISmithsonian InstitutionU.S.A.
SNETServicio Nacional de Estudios TerritorialesEl Salvador
SNMNew Mexico Institute of Mining and TechnologyU.S.A.
SNSNSaudi National Seismic NetworkSaudi Arabia
SOCUnknown Historical Agency
SODSodankyla Seismological StationHELFinland
SOFNational Institute of Geophysics, Geology and GeographyBulgaria
SOMCSeismological Observatory of Mount CameroonCameroon
SOMESeismological Experimental Methodological ExpeditionKazakhstan
SPAUSGS - South PoleAntarctica
SPASESouthwest Pacific Seismic ExperimentU.S.A.
SPCSkalnate-Pleso Seismological StationBRASlovakia
SPGMService de Physique du GlobeRBAMorocco
SRIStanford Research InstituteU.S.A.
SSNSudan Seismic NetworkSudan
SSNCServicio Sismológico Nacional CubanoCuba
SSSCentro de Estudios y Investigaciones Geotecnicas del San SalvadorEl Salvador
STKStockholm Seismological StationHFSSweden
STLSanta Lucia Seismological StationGUCChile
STUStuttgart Seismological StationLEDBWGermany
SUCUnknown Historical Agency
SUSUnknown Historical Agency
SVADepartment of Mineral ResourcesFiji
SVEUnknown Historical Agency
SVSASistema de Vigilância Sismológica dos AçoresPortugal
SYKESSykes Catalogue of earthquakes 1950 onwards
SYONational Institute of Polar ResearchJapan
SZGRFSeismologisches Zentralobservatorium GräfenbergGermany
TABTabriz Seismological ObservatoryIran
TACEstación Central de TacubayaMexico
TANZANIATanzania Broadband Seismic ExperimentU.S.A.
TAPCentral Weather Bureau (CWB)
TASUnknown Historical Agency
TAUUniversity of TasmaniaAustralia
TEHTehran UniversityIran
TEICCenter for Earthquake Research and InformationU.S.A.
THEDepartment of Geophysics, Aristotle University of ThessalonikiGreece
THRInternational Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES)Iran
TIENSHANTien Shan Continental DynamicsU.S.A.
TIFInstitute of Earth Sciences/ National Seismic Monitoring CenterGeorgia
TIRInstitute of Geosciences, Polytechnic University of TiranaAlbania
TOKTokyo ObservatoryJMAJapan
TOLToledo ObservatoryMDDSpain
TRIIstituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS)Italy
TRNThe Seismic Research CentreTrinidad and Tobago
TTGTitograd Seismological StationPDGMontenegro
TUCUnknown Historical Agency
TULOklahoma Geological SurveyU.S.A.
TUNInstitut National de la MétéorologieTunisia
TVATennessee Valley AuthorityU.S.A.
TXNETTexas Seismological Network, University of Texas at AustinU.S.A.
TZNUniversity of Dar Es SalaamTanzania
UAFDepartment of GeosciencesU.S.A.
UATDGThe University of Arizona, Department of GeosciencesU.S.A.
UAVRed Sismológica de Los Andes VenezolanosVenezuela
UCBUniversity of Colorado, BoulderU.S.A.
UCCRoyal Observatory of BelgiumBelgium
UCDESDepartment of Earth SciencesUnited Kingdom
UCRSección de Sismología, Vulcanología y Exploración GeofísicaCosta Rica
UCSCEarth & Planetary SciencesU.S.A.
UESGSchool of GeosciencesUnited Kingdom
UGNInstitute of Geonics AS CRCzech Republic
ULEUniversity of LeedsUnited Kingdom
UNAHUniversidad Nacional Autonoma de HondurasHonduras
UNKUnknown source
UNKOWNUnknown source
UNSLUniversidad Nacional de San LuisArgentina
UPAUniversidad de PanamaPanama
UPIESInstitute of Earth- and Environmental ScienceGermany
UPPUniversity of UppsalaSweden
UPSLUniversity of Patras, Department of GeologyGreece
UREESDepartment of Earth and Environmental ScienceU.S.A.
USAECUnited States Atomic Energy CommissionDOEU.S.A.
USAFUS Air Force Technical Applications CenterU.S.A.
USBRUS Bureau of ReclamationU.S.A.
USCGSUnited States Coast and Geodetic SurveyNEICU.S.A.
USGSUnited States Geological SurveyU.S.A.
USOESUniversity of Southampton Ocean and Earth ScienceUnited Kingdom
UTEPDepartment of Geological SciencesU.S.A.
UUSSThe University of Utah Seismograph StationsU.S.A.
UVCUniversidad del ValleColombia
UWMDGUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of GeoscienceU.S.A.
VAOInstituto Astronomico e GeofísicoBrazil
VIEZentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG)Austria
VKMSLab. of Seismic Monitoring, Voronezh region, GSRAS & Voronezh State UniversityRussia
VLAVladivostok Seismological StationMOSRussia
VMGSRVoronezh Crystalline Massif Branch, Geophysical Survey, RASRussia
VRACVranov Seismological StationCzech Republic
VSIUniversity of AthensGreece
VUWVictoria University of WellingtonNew Zealand
WARInstitute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of SciencesPoland
WBNETInstitute of Geophysics, Czech Academy of SciencesCzech Republic
WELInstitute of Geological and Nuclear SciencesNew Zealand
WESWeston ObservatoryU.S.A.
WETGeophysikalisches Observatorium - WettzellGermany
WMOWichita Mountains ObservatoryNEISU.S.A.
WOODLARKWoodlark-D,Entrecasteaux Rift, Papua New GuineaU.S.A.
WUSTLWashington University Earth and Planentary SciencesU.S.A.
XUnknown Historical Agency
YAGSRYakut (Saha) Branch, Geophysical Survey, Russian Academy of SciencesRussia
YALUnknown Historical Agency
YARSYakutiya Regional Seismological Center, GS SB RASRussia
ZAGSeismological Survey of the Republic of CroatiaCroatia
ZKWUnknown Historical Agency
ZONUniversidad Nacional de San JuanArgentina
ZSCZose Seismological StationBJIChina
ZURSwiss Seismological Service (SED)Switzerland
ZUR_RMTZurich Moment TensorsSwitzerland