Rebuilt ISC Bulletin is being made available (1964-1979)

April 16, 2018

Dear Colleagues and Users of the ISC data

We have recently finished the rebuild of the ISC Bulletin for the period 1964-1979. This work has been explained in detail in our recent scientific paper in Geoscience Letters by Storchak et. al., 2017 which is freely available on-line thanks to the Australia and Oceania Geoscience Society (AOGS).

Within the next 10-14 days, we shall be making these data gradually available to users, month-by-month, year-by-year by substituting the original ISC Bulletin data with the Rebuilt data in the main ISC database.

We therefore suggest, if your interest to the ISC data lies in the 1964-1979 period, to wait with your data requests until we make further announcement that these data are fully available.

We won’t be long!

For those interested to compare the old and new data, we are planning to keep the original flat ISC Bulletin files on our ftp-site in both FFB and ISF1.0 formats.