Station data format - zip file
This is a CSV file, though formatted to be easily read, the columns are:
- Reading ID
- Arrival time (UTC), YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS
- Arrival time, msec
- Arrival time (epoch)
- Arrival phase code
- Residual time, from ISCloc using AK135 travel times
- Distance from the epicentre (degrees)
- Station to event azimuth (degrees)
- Event to station azimuth (degrees)
- Epicentre latitude
- Epicentre longitude
- Epicentre time (epoch)
- Epicentre author
- Epicentre depth (km)
- Arrival channel
- Amplitude channel
- Amplitude (zero-to-peak, nanometres)
- Amplitude period (seconds)
- Station magnitude type
- Station magnitude
- ISC event magnitude of the same type.
- Data reporter
- Emergent flag
- Impulsive flag
- Short period first motion
- Long period first motion
- Review status (R - reviewed, U - unreviewed)
Please note, many of these fields many be empty.
Please note, this is the first version of the new station pages and changes are to be expected.